

Edward Segroves, on the left in the picture, was born on December 26, 1912 in Alabama and would die in Nashville on December 15, 1935. He would die when he was almost 23 from a injury he sustained when he was about 12 years old. While playing with other boys he was hit in the head with a rock and a blood clot formed on his brain. My grandmother Mary Segroves took care of him for the rest of his life. The clot eventually expanded too far into his brain and killed him. My Aunt Freddie, daddy's youngest sister, said that my grandmother tried to get an operation for him at Vanderbilt but by the time she sought help it was too late. I had my head busted with rocks a time or two when I was a child but I never threw rocks at other kids. Mainly because I grew up hearing the story of Ed's death and how dangerous it was to throw rocks. Ed is buried in an unmarked grave at Spring Hill cemetery near to my grandparents.  


This is the earliest picture I have of my dad and my Aunt Margaret. Daddy talked frequently of how poor his family was when he was growing up around Huntsville Alabama. He said that the only thing that he ever got for Christmas as a child was a cap pistol. Like many his age he grew up during the depression. Daddy made a pretty good living as a pharmacist and Aunt Margaret married a man who started out poor but would eventually become a multi millionaire.


In May 1979 I was working at Colonial Baking on Franklin Rd. It had been raining hard for several days without let-up when I headed home one night driving on I-24 East toward my house in Murfreesboro. When I topped the hill overlooking the valley near Bell Road exit I was caught up in a massive traffic jam. It was raining so hard that I couldn't tell what was going on so I stepped out of the car and realized that I was surrounded by roaring flood water. The sound was so loud I felt like I was standing next to Niagara Falls. The only thing that was above water was the pavement of the interstate. I got back into the car for a few minutes trying to decide what I should do. When I opened my car door again water was swirling around my feet. I decided to abandon my car and head for high ground. I only had that car for three days and it was one of the best used cars I had ever owned. As I was climbing the hill I could see houses down in the valley with furniture floating around inside. I ...

Larry Schmittou

When I was working at the mall I ran into Larry Schmittou who is the owner of Strike and Spare entertainment centers. Larry was my Little League coach in West Nashville and my football coach at Bailey. He is best known for baseball. Larry coached Vanderbilt baseball teams for many years winning several Southeast Conference championships. He worked for the Texas Rangers and owned the Nashville Sounds when they were at Greer stadium. He brought baseball back to Nashville and unsuccessfully tried to bring a major league franchise here.


The two most hated presidents in American history during their lifetime are without a doubt Abraham Lincoln and Donald Trump. I believe that once historians have a chance to evaluate the presidency of President Trump in an unbiased manner in the coming years he will be in the same league as Lincoln and Washington. The following is from a speech made by president Grant who knew Lincoln well. Grant knew how hated Lincoln was and the following words could also apply to Donald J. Trump. " Amidst obloquy, personal abuse and hate undisguised, and which was given vent to without restraint through the press, upon the stump and in private circles he remained the same staunch unyielding servant of the people. To know him personally was to love and respect him for his great qualities of heart and head, and for his patience and patriotism." Washington brought about the birth of our country. Lincoln saved it from a Democrat party trying to protect the evil institution of slavery. Trump ha...


When I was a child in the 1950's the nearest zoo was in Memphis. My parents took me there several times during those years. White people could go to the zoo everyday of the week except Thursday. That day was called Negro day and only black people could attend. I was 14 when segregation was legally ended in America. It boggles my mind to think that kind of thing existed during my lifetime. Never forget, however; that it was the Democrat party that was responsible for segregation laws. They have done a good job over the years of making people forget history. If you asked most low information younger voters today who was responsible for segregation they would probably say the Republican party.


My 1964 Chevy Impala. We were getting ready to leave Oregon on our way back to Nashville. I had orders for Turkey. It took us four days to get home. I was driving on 5 dollar recaps with Robbie standing on the seat between us. He was just turning a year old. This was before seat belts and child restraint. The day we left Oregon was the day that the Apollo 13 astronauts successfully landed back on earth. I loved my Impala. It was a smooth ride.