Edward Segroves, on the left in the picture, was born on December 26, 1912 in Alabama and would die in Nashville on December 15, 1935. He would die when he was almost 23 from a injury he sustained when he was about 12 years old. While playing with other boys he was hit in the head with a rock and a blood clot formed on his brain. My grandmother Mary Segroves took care of him for the rest of his life. The clot eventually expanded too far into his brain and killed him. My Aunt Freddie, daddy's youngest sister, said that my grandmother tried to get an operation for him at Vanderbilt but by the time she sought help it was too late. I had my head busted with rocks a time or two when I was a child but I never threw rocks at other kids. Mainly because I grew up hearing the story of Ed's death and how dangerous it was to throw rocks. Ed is buried in an unmarked grave at Spring Hill cemetery near to my grandparents.