I heard "His Majesty King Barack the 1st" and I hope the last, on the news saying that these mass shootings have to stop. We all know what that means. More laws and executive orders that infringe on our 2nd Amendment rights rather than realistically dealing with the problem. I do agree with "His Excellency" on one thing. These shootings need to stop. I am a twenty year veteran of the Air Force Security Police. The Federal Government has spent thousands of tax dollars providing me with weapons training, combat training, law enforcement training and security training. I have had numerous security clearances and Top Secret background investigations that have enabled me to provide security for Presidents, Vice Presidents, Generals, V.I.P.'s, nuclear weapons, bombers, fighters, and aircraft of every description. I worked at NORAD in Cheyenne Mountain Colorado. As a civilian however, with a state gun carry permit, I cannot legally carry a weapon into a mall, a ho...