John Locke I want to respond to Scott Broden's rambling letter on how swearing oaths under God is a sin and his distorted view of the 1st Amendment. One can make a valid biblical argument against swearing oaths but I believe that whether we swear to an oath of office or pledge allegiance to the flag is not a deal breaker in ones Christian faith. Having the proper understanding of God's plan of salvation or not is the deal breaker in my view. Everything else is working out our own salvation. In John Locke's 2nd Treatise of Government he teaches us that each citizen must give either his direct or tacit consent to whatever form of government that they decide to live under. The Founding Fathers and the citizens that were alive at the time of the Constitution gave their direct consent. Succeeding generations that were not alive at the founding have given their tacit consent. Swearing oaths of office for politicians and all others who say the Pledge of Allegiance are just two...