Stones River National Cemetery 1866 For many years it was believed that at least 620,000 men died in the Civil War. Over half of these were from disease. In the last few years that number has been revised upward by experts to over 750,000 men that died in the Civil War. This was almost 2% of the total population at that time. More men died in the Civil War than all the American wars put together from the American Revolution to Iraq and Afghanistan. There were 22 million people living in the Northern states of who the majority were white. There were 9 million people living in the south or the 11 Confederate states. Five million whites, and 4 million slaves and free blacks. One in five Southern men died in the Civil War. An estimated fifty thousand civilians died in the war. The population of Murfreesboro was 1,671 whites and 1, 190 blacks,who were mostly slaves. The total was 3,861 The population of Rutherford County was 14,743 white people and 13, 174 slaves and free bl...