I can't tell you how many times lately that someone has told me they believe that Obama will be impeached because of the many scandals that he is involved in or of the many ways that he has abused the Constitution. His chances of being impeached are slim to none and Slim left town. I say that because only Republicans are forced to leave office over high crimes and misdemeanors. Richard Nixon was forced out of office for trying to cover-up a two bit attempt at breaking into the Democratic headquarters in the Watergate office complex. A crime that he probably didn't know about but because of his paranoia about being politically embarrassed he ordered a cover-up of the crime. And yes he should have been impeached for what he did. I don't give a Republican politician a pass for wrongdoing. Although I was still a Democrat when I voted for Nixon in 1972 because I considered McGovern too far to the left. Now I want you to consider the fact that on November 7, 1972 Nixon w...