The libs are going crazy here lately over Burger Kings decision to move their corporate headquarters to Canada to avoid paying high American corporate taxes. I wonder if they get so upset when Hollywood movie producers film in Canada to avoid taxes. Of course we never hear about that. Instead of going crazy and calling them unpatriotic how about pushing for real tax reform in America. It is stupid to tax corporations anyway. The government is really taxing the consumer, which is that precious 99% that the libs are always crying over. I am a 99 percenter by the way. I am in the 50% with a brain however. Companies simply pass on the higher cost from higher taxation to the consumer which is a tax on the 99%. Lets do this. Do away with taxes on corporations, capital gains taxes, and inheritance taxes. Give us a reasonable flat tax, or a consumption tax. Do away with the graduated income tax which enables Democ-rats and Republic-rats to reward who they want to and pun...