Yesterday the Supreme Court heard arguments as to whether or not homosexual marriage is a civil right guaranteed by the 14th Amendment. If the court rules in the affirmative it will lay the groundwork for the persecution of Christians unlike anything we have ever experienced. Anytime I talk about matters of faith I like to give a disclaimer. I am an evil, evil man and no sin is worse than any other. Whether your sin or my sin is lying, stealing, adultery, murder, homosexuality or any in a list of sins. All sin separates us from God. A few years ago I was listing my shortcomings to a friend and he said something that gave me pause. He said; "Greg, I believe that if someone walked into this room and put a gun to your head and commanded you to renounce Jesus or die, you would take a bullet". It is easy to say what you would do when you are not under duress. Although I crucify Christ daily in the way that I live my life, I have to agree that I would die before I would deny...