America seems to be divided into people who believe that homosexuality is a learned behavior and those that believe that homosexuals are born that way. I believe that homosexuality is learned behavior. It can be learned at a very young age. Before we even know that we are in this world. It can be a wiring problem but I have a theory that the father is a heavy influence in regard to male homosexuality. He may be absent from a child's life either physically, or emotionally. The father may be dominated by the wife or partner. The male child could have a very dominant single mother. I think these factors are important, and as a result a male can only relate to a another male in a sexual way. In regard to lesbians I think it can also be related to the father. The father is abusive physically or verbally to the mother, child or both. It could be a boyfriend or stepfather not related to child but who is abusive in some way. There is usually a man in the woodpile somewhere who has ...