The following is an exchange between myself and a British Facebook Friend that deserves more exposure. He was taking me to task for a post regarding Obama's perceived apology tour. As hard as it is to believe there are far too many people around the world, and in this country, of the mentality that helped to bring WW2 on in the first place. The mentality of appeasement. George Santayana is famous for his quote Those who do not remember the past are condemned to repeat it. I also like one of his other quotes that is not so well known, "A child educated only at school is an uneducated child". FB Friend: As someone who states regularly that you served in the forces for your country, I find these posts retarded. For a start pearl harbour , whilst a surprise attack, it was an attack by military forces which presented the opposite side (yourselves) an opportunity to return fire. Dropping an A-bomb on Hiroshima and Nagasaki was an attack on a civilian city wit...