IS THIS 1968?

Ever since the Black Lives Matters movement started I have been very skeptical of it. It reminds me too much of the Occupy Wall Street movement. it has been a pseudo movement designed by George Soros and the Democratic Party. In the case of Occupy Wall Street the press passed it off as a grass roots movement to counter the actual grass roots movement that was the Tea Party. The Tea Party had a huge impact on the 2010 mid term congressional elections. Between the creation of the Occupy Wall Street movement in 2011 and Obama unleashing the IRS dogs on the Tea Party he was able to thwart any serious threat to his reelection chances in 2012. All week I have been wondering why there has been no rioting in Tulsa Oklahoma and so much turmoil and anarchy in Charlotte North Carolina. The Tulsa shooting supports the narrative of the BLM. A White Cop shoots an unarmed black male. It actually appears on the surface that this cop had an itchy trigger finger and she overreacted. In the Charlo...