I am always struck by the naivete of my anti-gun friends when I talk about the slippery slope of gun control legislation. They think that I am being too conspiratorial or paranoid when I am opposed to what they consider as common sense gun laws. England has completely banned guns in recent years. I am listing a timeline of the slippery slope toward the total banning of guns in England. The following facts are from Glen Beck's book Control. 1689- King William of Orange guarantees his subjects (except Catholics) the right to bear arms for self defense in a new Bill of Rights. 1819- In response to civil unrest , a temporary Seizure of Arms Act is passed; it allows constables to search for, and confiscate, arms from people who are " dangerous to the public peace" This law expired after two years. 1870- A license is needed only if you want to carry a fire-arm outside of your home. 1903- The Pistols Act is introduced and seems to be full of co...