If you are as old as I am you have been seeing media bias for a long, long, time. It took me a while to catch on. I thought that Walter Cronkite was completely unbiased until I read his autobiography and discovered how liberal he was. His statements during the Tet Offensive in Vietnam, calling the war "unwinnable" began to make sense to me. Tet was the most complete, and greatest comeback victory for American military forces since the Battle of the Bulge. However Cronkite's comments, from the most trusted man in America, was devastating to the American war effort. It would signal the beginning of the end and the final American defeat in Vietnam. Johnson supposedly said “If I’ve lost Cronkite, I’ve lost Middle America.” There is debate as to whether Johnson even said this or how much impact Cronkite's comments even had on the course of the war but there is no doubt Cronkite injected commentary into his news reporting, which is totally out of line in my opinio...