Many have compared Donald Trump with Andrew Jackson. I can see some similarities. They were both populists and men of the people. Trump, however; can never hope to be the badass that Jackson was. Jackson was off the scales badass. Trump is not a racist like Jackson but Jackson was the product of his day. There are two areas in which I wish Trump would be more like Jackson. In regard to the issue of sanctuary cities for illegal immigrants and the abuse of power by Federal courts. In 1828 Congress passed a Tariff bill designed to protect Northern manufacturers. Since the South was primarily agricultural and a consumer region it had to import much of the items needed to survive. Such as farm equipment for example. A tariff is on foreign goods and this was called the Tariff of Abominations because the tax was so high. In 1832 congress passed a compromise tariff but the South complained that it was still too high. In 1798 Thomas Jefferson and James Madison argued in the Kentucky an...