Okay congress listen up. I am going to say this one more time. To use a little CB jargon "Have you got your ears on"? You are so worried about losing your cushy jobs, retirement benefits, and health insurance that pays 100% of your medical costs. That's not Obamacare by the way. In your minds that is what is at stake if you vote to repeal Obamacare. You are deceived by the false Democratic polls that say the American people do not want an outright repeal of Obamacare. There are only three polls that you need to focus on. The poll taken in November 2010 when the American people threw the Democrats out of the House of Representatives and put your sorry butts in charge to do what? Repeal Obamacare!!! Then there is that other poll taken in November 2014 that threw the Democrats out of the Senate do do what? Repeal Obamacare!!! For the third time a poll was taken in November 2016 that elected a president who wanted to do what? Are you getting the picture now? Am I finall...