KATHERINE BURCH WARNER - B 1851 D- 1923 While Debbie was at a baby shower in Donelson today I had some time to kill. I decided to walk through Mt. Olivet cemetery. One of my favorite tombstones in the cemetery is Jesus holding the deceased children of Leslie and Katherine Burch Warner. I like the line on the bottom of the tombstone that reads, (THE GARDENER ASKED, WHO PLUCKED THESE FLOWERS? THE ANSWER WAS "THE MASTER" AND THE GARDENER HELD HIS PEACE.) Suffragist Katherine Burch Warner was born in Chattanooga in 1851, raised in Nashville, and educated at Vassar. The well-traveled Kate learned about politics through her father, John C. Burch, who fought under Nathan Bedford Forrest. He was editor and publisher of the Nashville American and secretary of the U.S. Senate. She married Nashvillian Leslie Warner in 1880; the couple had three children, but all had died by 1886. Her husband's weakening health led to early retirement, and the couple devoted themselve...