
Showing posts from 2018


 The resignation of General Mattis as Secretary of Defense took me by surprise as it did most Americans. I love General Mattis and he is a great American patriot. As of the moment I am undecided as to whether I approve of Trump's change in strategy regarding Syria. I am sure of a few things, however. Trump, under Mattis's leadership has nearly destroyed ISIS. Let me make one thing clear, however; as long as the cancer of Islam, and groups like ISIS exists, we can never totally eradicate them. Islam is like a cancerous tumor. With the proper medical treatment we can shrink the tumor until it is nearly gone. Unless we continue treating it the tumor can it will grow again and even metastasize. Another thing that I am sure of is that Obama had no desire to defeat ISIS. He could have had the same success as Trump if he had wanted to. He did not want to.  Finally the whole reason that ISIS became a problem was that after American forces gained the upper hand in Iraq Obama pul...


  I am so tired of hearing the Big Lie narrative espoused by Democrats on a daily basis. That the Republican Party is the Party of racism and bigotry. They have been very successful in promoting this false image over the years. The following is the narrative being promoted by Democrats. Yes the Democrat Party used to be pro-slavery and racist but that was in the past. Since the early 1960's the roles have reversed. The new Democrat Party is the progressive Party while the Republican's have become what the Democrats used to be. Historical evidence, however; does not back up this view of history.  The Democrat Party defended slavery, started the Civil War, opposed reconstruction, founded the Ku Klux Klan, imposed segregation, perpretrated lynchings, and fought against the Civil Rights Acts.  Adolph Hitler defined the art of telling the "Big Lie" The following is from Mein Kampf. It would never come into their heads to fabricate colossal untruths, and they would ...