The battle of Chancellorsville - April 30 through May 6, 1863 In 1991 my son Rob was stationed at Norfolk while his ship the USS Wainwright was in drydock. We took our vacation in Norfolk that summer. While there we visited Williamsburg, and Yorktown. I also took a day by myself to tour several battlefields. Fredricksburg, Chancellorsville, the Wilderness, Cold Harbor, and Petersburg. Although Chancellorsville is considered Lee's greatest victory he couldn't have pulled it off without Stonewall Jackson. The Confederates were outnumbered more than two to one. General Hooker had a great plan. Hooker hoped to keep Lee pinned down at Fredricksburg while he circled in behind with the bulk of his army through the Wilderness, catching the Confederate Army in a vice between his forces and those of General John Sedgewick at Fredricksburg. Hooker didn't figure on the boldness of Stonewall Jackson who was blocking his way as he came out of the Wilderness. Because of Jac...