In 2016 it was announced that Stones River Mall was going to build a new movie theater. The mall at one time had a theater named the Stones River 10 and was operated by the Litchfield Theaters Limited. The theater opened on May 18, 1990 and was sold to Carmike on December 7, 1990. Stones River 10, however; was closed in 2000. Carmike opened a theater called the Wynsong 16 on Cason Lane to replace the Stones River Mall theater. The only movie that I can remember going to see at the Stones River 10 was the twentieth anniversary re-release of the Star Wars Trilogy. The Stones River 10 theater opened before the mall did. Stones River Mall didn't open until 1992 and Sears was the first retailer to open there in 1990. When the mall opened in 1992 Sears, Wal-Mart, and Goody's were the anchor stores. Originally the mall had a small food court and carousel on the north side of the mall near the theater and an Aladdins Castle. Wal Mart moved out in 1995 and a locally owned d...