We went to see Unbroken - Path To Redemption today. I enjoyed this movie much better than the first movie Unbroken directed by Angelina Jolie. My son Rob turned me on to the book Unbroken by Laura Hildebrand about ten years ago. She also wrote the book Sea Biscuit. The book was incredible and I didn't want to put it down. I was disappointed by Jolie's movie because it stopped short of the most important part of the story. Zamperini's lifesaving transformation by Jesus Christ. He had survived air combat, a plane crash into the pacific ocean, 47 days adrift at sea in an an open life raft without food and water and capture by the Japanese. He spent two years in Japanese prison camps being used as a human guinea pig and brutally beaten by a sadistic guard named Matsuhiro Watanabe or "The Bird". The first movie covered all of this but Zamparini's fight for survival was not over at the end of the movie. The book and movie was called Unbroken but if Zam...