I am constantly hearing Democrats tout the word divisive regarding Republicans, When I refer to Democrats I am primarily referring to the leadership of the Democrat Party. Not the rank and file, although many of them are unhinged right now and are part of a mob mentality. I know that there are many good Democrats who would agree with me on many things but because of family history and tradition they can't let go of the past. Democrats accuse Republican Presidents, and Trump supporters as being divisive. We are the "Deplorables". This kind and unifying term was coined by Hillary Clinton. Somehow the Democrats are never divisive. It is always the Republicans and Conservatives that are divisive. First of all the Founding Fathers wanted us to be divided. They purposely designed our government to have checks and balances. If we all agreed on everything that would not be good. They did not intend, however; for us to be so divided that we resorted to armed conflict o...