
Showing posts from February, 2020


 Democrat Richard Mentor Johnson was Vice President under President Martin Van Buren. He fought in the War of 1812 and it was believed that Johnson was the soldier who personally killed the famous Shawnee Indian chief Tecumseh at the Battle of the Thames. Johnson used this to his political advantage when he ran for Vice President. His campaign slogan was "Rumpsey Dumpsey, Rumpsey Dumpsey, Colonel Johnson killed Tecumseh"  Johnson did not hide the fact that he was in a common-law marriage with his Black mistress Julia Chinn. She was born into slavery in 1790. Upon Johnson's fathers death he inherited Julia. In the South there was such a thing as the "one drop rule". If a person had one drop of Negro blood in them they were considered to be Black. Julia was light skinned and known as an "octoroon" because she was seven-eighths White.  She looked after his Kentucky plantation while he was away on business and was technically a slave. By law Jo...


 Every time that I see a Bloomberg add I am ready to tape my head with duct tape in order to keep it from exploding. I detest this man every bit as much as I do Obama and the Clinton's. He reeks establishment.. Bloomberg has no core values and can't figure out what he is. Which is it?, Republican, Independent, or Democrat? The things that the left tried to project on Trump fit Bloomberg to a tee. He is a wealthy oligarch that is out to protect his own interests. Much, if not most of his wealth was made in China. This is one of his main motivations for stopping Trump. Where Trump has been called a racist and misogynist these labels, based on Bloomberg's comments and actions would fit Bloomberg like a glove. Additionally, in my view, I believe that when you are pushing 80 years old, like Bloomberg and Sanders, you are too old to run for president. Seventy is pushing it in my view.  I have been thinking for a while now that the Democrat establishment is trying to ro...


 I remember Trump saying that we were all going to win if we voted for him and that we just might grow tired of winning. Speaking for myself, I never grow tired of winning. I get a kick out of greeting my Trump supporting friends with the question. Are you tired of winning yet? The real question that I want to ask the Democrats is this. Are you tired of losing yet? Your losing is driven by unadulterated hatred. Hatred has to be hard on a person. One of my favorite lines from the movie  (The Help) is when the Black maid is being falsely accused of stealing by a White woman who is a virulent racist. She asks, aren't you tired? I wouldn't know what that kind of hatred feels like because I have never hated anyone. Not to sound holier than thou but I really haven't. I wont allow myself to succumb to hatred. My mother etched this principle into my brain as a child that you should never hate anyone. It is okay to hate what people do but you never allow yourself to hate the per...