My grandson Russell Qualls was born with spina bifida. What Russell lacks in physical ability is made up by the heart of a champion. If every athlete had the heart of this little boy they would all be superstars. He always has a smile on his face. When he first started playing baseball at the age of 3, he would have to bat using his walker, and he couldn't hit a pitch thrown by the coach. Now he can hit the pitches standing on his own without any support, other than his braces. After swinging sometimes, he loses his balance and falls but he gets right back up. He has hit some pretty solid hits and is a good hitter. When he used to walk the bases with his walker, and later, with the help of the coach, it was a tremendous struggle for him. I have seen sweat rolling off of his face caused by his effort but his smile never diminished. So many times I have fought back tears because of the love and pride that I feel for this little boy. He has also made some amazing ca...