Recently, the Communists were going after Joe Rogan because he had used the n word in the past. They compiled a tape of Rogan using the n word over the years. Rogan says that his use of the word was taken totally out of context. I believe him for no other reason than I know how evil these people are. They are more racist than he is. I know very little about Rogan and as far as I know I have never heard one of his podcasts or interviews. He is pretty middle of the road I hear and fair minded. I do know Rogan has apologized to these people and if he thinks that will satisfy their blood lust he is badly misguided. An apology to the Communists is comparable to blood in the water for sharks. You never apologize to Democrats. Personally, I hate the n word and I can honestly say that I have never used it. At least not as an insult directed toward a black person. I have quoted historical figures using that word in my articles and will continue to do so without apol...