I caught a small part of Glen Beck talking about someone, I assume who is a celebrity, saying that Trump and his followers were worse than anything that has ever existed. This person, he said, was born in 1968 and Beck was talking about all the atrocities that this person has lived through. Such as those caused by Pol Pot, Iran, Saddam Hussein, Osama Bin Laden, the Rwandan genocide, the Soviet Union, North Korea, China and so on but he can still say something that is so ridiculous. I wish that I knew who Beck was talking about but it really doesn't matter, I have heard this tripe so many times, or talk very similar from celebrities to ordinary people. Beck was making the point that if Trump and his followers are really that bad then the logical solution is that we must be eliminated. People as evil as we are have no place in a civilized society. This is what Hitler thought about the Jews, blacks, Slavs, Communists, Gypsies, homosexuals, and anyone who just didn't agree with h...