As a child in school we celebrated the birth of George Washington every February 22nd. Washington was born on February 22, 1732 and his birthday was made into a Federal holiday in 1879. In 1968 Congress passed a law that some holidays like Washington's birthday, Labor Day and others would fall on Monday in order to give people a long weekend. So far so good but there was a movement by some in Congress during that time to change the law from Washington's birthday to Presidents Day but it was defeated. Over the years the people who preferred Presidents Day have been able to get their way even though the law was never changed. I am sure this came about with the help of mainstream media, politicians, and academia. It was an evolutionary process that somehow evolved into Presidents Day. I don't know if there was a Communist conspiracy behind this change but it it plays right into their hands. The argument for Presidents Day has been that this day should not only honor the achi...