In January 1986 I was picked for jury duty in the county where I live. This was the first and only time I have ever served on jury duty. Some people don't like serving on juries and try to avoid it if they can but I was looking forward to it. I thought that it would be interesting and I was curious to see how the jury system worked. My service would be for the entire month of January and during that time I was only on two criminal trials but was on numerous civil trials. On civil trials the plaintiff only has to prove 51% of their case in order to win. Two of these civil trials really stood out in my mind. A woman who was struggling to make ends meet was sued by a bank because her ex husband bought a pick-up truck after they were divorced. Her ex husband allowed the truck to be repossessed by the bank for non payment. The bank couldn't get their money from the ex husband because he wasn't working so they went after the ex wife for payment. She was using the same bank th...