Man banned from Stones River Mall for offensive t-shirt
Posted: Dec 18, 2012 9:09 PM CSTUpdated: Dec 18, 2012 09:42 PM
Reported By Joe Avary, Video Journalist
A Murfreesboro man was arrested Saturday for wearing a t-shirt bearing an inappropriate and disruptive phrase at an area mall.
According to a mall representative, Bryce Myszka wore a shirt that read, "Has your gun killed a kindergartner today?" inside the Stones River Mall.
Myszka told Nashville's News 2 that he purchased the custom-made shirt from a kiosk inside the mall.
Mall authorities asked Myszka, 45, multiple times to remove the shirt or turn it inside out but he refused.
"They were actually escorting me outside the property at the time I interacted with Murfreesboro police," Myszka said, adding, "I was complying with their request and their wishes."
The mall enforces a strict code of conduct to ensure the safety of shoppers and tenants and his t-shirt and disruptive behavior was in direct violation of the code, mall authorities told Nashville's News 2.
Myszka was banned from the mall's property and arrested by police.
Myszka told Nashville's News 2 that the shirt was intended to send a message about gun control in the wake of the Sandy Hill Elementary School shootings in Connecticut.
"The intended message was 'wake up'," said Myszka. "That was the message with the shirt; stop, pay attention, stop."
Myszka is a father of a 10-month old baby girl, and a self-described gun-control advocate.
"I still grieve for those children," said Myszka. "I stand for gun control every step of the way."
He was transported to the Rutherford County Sheriff's Office where he was charged with criminal trespassing.
He is scheduled to appear in Court on January 21.
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