"Hammerin" Hank Aaron recently compared the modern day Republican Party with the KKK. Hank is bitter. This was evident in his autobiography that I read a few years ago. He feeds this bitterness by periodically reading the hate mail that he received during his run for breaking "Babe" Ruth's home run record. Hank, it is time to work on forgiveness fella. Forgiveness is for your benefit, not those idiots who wronged you. Secondly, black people resent being judged for the actions of the few blacks that fuel stereotypes. I resent being judged for the few bigots that wrote you those letters. I was a 24 year old white man who was pulling for you to break the record along with the majority of white people in this country. Third, as far as the Republican Party being the modern KKK you need to take a long hard look at the racist past of the Democratic Party first. The Democrats have done a masterful convincing many American's that the Republican Party became a refuge for racists after the passage of the 1964 and 65 civil rights acts. This was the result of Nixon's Southern strategy in 1968. Nixon's strategy was aimed at the moderate upper South and Southwest. He was one of the most open-minded white men of his generation. Nixon was a life-long card carrying member of the N.A.A.C.P. George Wallace won 5 of the deep South states and Southerners did not vote for Republicans in large numbers, other than presidential elections until 1994. Long after the civil rights acts.
Only one Republican Senator and one Congressman that voted against the civil rights acts switched parties but racist Democrats like Lester Maddox, George Wallace, and Robert Byrd, who was an actual Klan member, stayed with the Democratic Party. Wallace and Byrd, in my opinion, made Machiavellian decisions by issuing apologies because their constituencies had changed overnight. They had a D in front of their name so they got a pass on the charge of racism. The Republican Party was full of people who were Conservative but not racist like myself who were former "Scoop" Jackson or Sam Nunn type Democrats who had no where else to go but to the Republican Party on election day. When I finally wised up in the early 1980's I left the Democratic Party and became an independent. That bigoted generation that embittered Hank is dying out. Are their bigoted Conservatives and Republicans today? You betcha. I run into them occasionally. The solid Democratic voters amuse me, however I know many that voted presidential election after presidential election for the Democratic candidate, regardless of how corrupt, or leftist they were. Now that there is a black Democrat in office their opposition of Obama is as intense as mine. Hank, I love you man but it is high time to get that chip off of your shoulder. .
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