If I had my choice I would kill every reporter in the world, but I am sure we would be getting reports from hell before breakfast.
William Tecumseh Sherman
As usual the press get's it wrong in it's reporting of a news event. As in most cases it is done intentionally. Trump did say that John McCain was not a war hero. However he immediately corrected himself and said four times in a row that McCain was a war hero. The following is what he actually said to Republican pollster Frank Luntz.
Luntz: "He’s a war hero. He’s a war hero …"
Trump: "He’s not a war hero ..."
Luntz: "He’s a war hero."
Trump: "He is a war hero ..."
Luntz: "Five and half years in a Vietnamese prison camp …"
Trump: "He’s a war hero because he was captured. I like people that weren’t captured. So he’s a war hero …"
Luntz: "Do you agree with that?"
Trump: "He’s a war hero, because he was captured, okay? I believe, perhaps, he’s a war hero. But right now he said some very bad things about a lot of people. So what I said is John McCain, I disagree with him that these people aren’t crazy.
Trump was upset over the fact that McCain had described his supporters as a bunch of crazies. In my opinion John McCain is the poster boy for what is wrong with the Republican Party right now. He has been strong on foreign policy and national defense but beyond that he is pathetically useless. McCain was part of the gang of eight that tried to push a so-called comprehensive immigration plan down our throats. Basically the same plan that Obama did push down our throat with his famous pen and phone. However I cannot discount McCains status as a true American war hero. McCain's father was the commander of the Pacific fleet during the Vietnam war. As the son of such a high ranking admiral the North Vietnamese wanted to release McCain in order to cause division and as propaganda. McCain refused to accept release from captivity just because he was the son of an admiral and he didn't want to be used as a propaganda tool of the Communists. McCain did this knowing that he would be tortured for refusing release. In addition he nearly died from his injuries after ejecting and being captured. If for no other reason McCain should be considered a war hero for refusing to be released early and enduring the torture of captivity. The only beef that I could have with Trump is over his statement that he preferred heroes that weren't captured. I could see how our former POW veterans, especially those that were captured in such places as Bataan and Korea might take offense to that statement.

John McCain being captured by the North Vietnamese
Beyond this McCain, in my opinion, has squandered an opportunity to be the hero of the people. Instead he is an elitist and hero of the special interests. He expresses that elitism by calling everyday people crazies for supporting Trump. Many people believe that Trump is not a serious candidate. I hope that he is but even so his candidacy has proven what I have been saying for years now. Illegal immigration is a winning issue for any Republican that is brave enough to take up the cause. The issue also exposes politicians like Jeb Bush and just about every other Republican as supporting the interests of the Chamber of Commerce and the special interests rather than the people. Trump will survive this as long as he continues to show a don't care attitude to his critics. His supporters are smart enough to know what is going on here. The more he is opposed the higher that his poll numbers will go. This will drive his opponents crazy and we can all sit back and enjoy the ride.
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