I was listening to Phil Valentine the other day when he was talking about the internment of Americans of Japanese descent during WW2. He was trying to justify their internment based on supposed threats that these Americans posed to national security at the time. Phil capped off his argument by saying that the Supreme Court upheld Roosevelt's executive action 9066. Well, I guess that makes everything all hunky dory. I would remind him that the court also upheld slavery, segregation, abortion, Obamacare, and same sex marriage. Some on the left are trying to say that the screening of Muslims coming into this country is the equivalent of the WW2 internment camps or that it will lead to that. This is a ridiculous argument. Screening Japanese, Germans and Italians coming into this country during WW2 would have been totally justified. The imprisonment, however; of a particular group of people without probable cause, especially American citizens, is never justified. Nearly 120,000 Ame...