
Showing posts from March, 2016


  I was listening to Phil Valentine the other day when he was talking about the internment of Americans of Japanese descent during WW2. He was trying to justify their internment based on supposed threats that these Americans posed to national security at the time. Phil capped off his argument by saying that the Supreme Court upheld Roosevelt's executive action 9066. Well, I guess that makes everything all hunky dory. I would remind him that the court also upheld slavery, segregation, abortion, Obamacare, and same sex marriage. Some on the left are trying to say that the screening of Muslims coming into this country is the equivalent of the WW2 internment camps or that it will lead to that. This is a ridiculous argument. Screening Japanese, Germans and Italians coming into this country during WW2 would have been totally justified. The imprisonment, however; of a particular group of people without probable cause, especially American citizens, is never justified. Nearly 120,000 Ame...


The following goals are straight from the Tea Party web site. 15 Non-negotiable Core Beliefs  1. Illegal aliens are here illegally. 2. Pro-domestic employment is indispensable. 3. A strong military is essential. 4. Special interests must be eliminated. 5. Gun ownership is sacred. 6. Government must be downsized. 7. The national budget must be balanced. 8. Deficit spending must end. 9. Bailout and stimulus plans are illegal. 10. Reducing personal income taxes is a must. 11. Reducing business income taxes is mandatory. 12. Political offices must be available to average citizens. 13. Intrusive government must be stopped. 14. English as our core language is required. 15. Traditional family values are encouraged.    I agree with every one of these goals and for the life of me I can't understand why every American would not agree with them. The Republican Party won big on many, if not most of these principles in 1994, 2010 and 2014. Lamar Alexander claimed to be ...


  One of the most frustrating things for me was watching Bill and Hillary Clinton getting away with murder during the eight years of their presidency and in the years since. Before he was even elected I told people that Bill and Hillary were two of the most corrupt people in America. I always included Hillary because they are interchangeable. They sold themselves as a tag team. The frustrating part was that no matter what facts or evidence of corruption were revealed,their poll numbers would go ever higher. Bill's sexual escapades were only one aspect of that corruption. The (Clintonista's), or the rabid Clinton supporters would always point to the good economy as if it somehow justified their wrongdoing. Never mind that Bill had little impact on the economy. I used to tell people that Clinton could rape a 4 year old on a live national television broadcast and his supporters would find a way to excuse his behavior. It would be blamed on Kenneth Starr or a vast "Right Wi...