When a person dies they will be either be rewarded with eternal life or eternal damnation at some point in the future. When a nation dies it is dead and will never rise again. George Mason, a Founding Father and the Father of the Bill of Rights explains that a nation will also answer to God. Not in the afterlife but in this life. " As nations cannot be rewarded or punished in the next world, they must be in this. By an inevitable chain of causes and effects, Providence punishes national sins by national calamities".


  1. Greg, this July 4, 2017 I was searching for an image of the Declaration, which to me is the essential revolutionary document, apart from the Bible, in all of history. Personally, I happen to think you're a pretty darn good writer, and I truly appreciate the fact that you're self educated, as I largely am as well.

    I'm writing simply to encourage you to keep writing and posting. It's a delight for me to have discovered your blog. It's almost as though you and I went to different schools together. Ha. What I mean is that I like the way you think, and this is to simply tell you that you have company out here, and much more than responses on your blogs might indicate. There are many Americans just like you and me, and that is why God may be extending His patience with us, a once-great nation that has officially turned its back on God. That happened in 1962, as far as I'm concerned, when prayer in public schools was outlawed. You can trace a decline in culture and morals and all the rest to that time, in my view, including the national disgrace that is the dumbing-down of America.

    Keep writing, keep posting, and I'll be back! Enjoy this fourth of July, and know you have some readers who truly resonate with you and your values.

    Oh, one detail: You mentioned John Locke in your 2014 post on the Declaration. The one thing Locke didn't take into account was was you yourself wrote: That for what Mark Levin would call a civil society, there must be a self governance exercised by the citizenry. And this requires faith in God, as well as a life-and-death reliance upon Him. Locke seems to have believed that the "state of nature" was a philosophical ideal, that man could live in a state of unrestrained liberty. That sounds good, but it doesn't account for the one thing nobody wants to talk about. You know what that is, I'm sure: s.i.n. Unless and until sin is accounted for by one's reliance on the work of the cross of Jesus Christ, there is no true liberty, nor the possibility of a self governed civil society. That is because, springing from the Garden of Eden, man's heart was inherently evil. Hence the flood.

    Anyway, that's just one comment, meant to underscore what you were already saying yourself.

    God bless you and your family.
    Mark Nicolas, Ephrata, PA


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