It is my understanding that white supremacists have led the fight in Charlottesville to keep the statue of Robert E. Lee. White supremacists should not be at the forefront of this fight. Honoring Robert E. Lee is not about white supremacy. This is a fight that all logical and right thinking Americans should be in regardless of their political persuasion. Where are they in this fight? Robert E. Lee would not support the actions of James Fields Jr., a Northerner I might add, in running down these protesters. I feel that this would have violated his sense of honor. Besides being one of our greatest generals, and for his previous service to the Union, he should be honored. Especially for the last five years of his life. By helping to end the war peaceably, growing Washington and Lee University, and encouraging the South to reunite he was one of the major players in saving the Union. It could be argued that he was not as racist as Sherman but there are no efforts to remove his statues. I can understand why the Democrats are trying to erase their racist past since their party supported slavery, segregation the Klan and lynching. Regardless, we must not allow this cultural cleansing to continue. I heard the other day that the only history being taught now in schools is from 1870 to present day. This roughly covers the progressive era leaving out the most important part of our history. The American Revolution and the Civil War. They are doing nothing but educating a whole new generation of dangerous Democratic voters.
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