When my alarm clock went off this morning I heard the news that the Trump administration had reached an agreement with North Korea. Among other things North Korea is ending it's nuclear testing program and a hotline will be set up so North and South Korea can communicate with each other. I turned on my computer and you guessed it Yahoo news was all about Russia, Russia, Russia, Stormy, Stormy Stormy, Cohen, Cohen Cohen, Comey, Comey Comey, Blah, Blah,Blah. One thing that Reagan taught me was that when the Russians and Democrats were making noise that meant that he was hurting them. Reagan turned our economy around after the worst recession since the depression, built our military, gave America back it's pride in itself and put the Soviet Union out of business. Trump has turned our economy around and lowered Black unemployment to record levels. More people are off of the welfare rolls and America is experiencing economic growth again after 8 years of stagnation. The stock market is hitting record highs. Our military is on the road to recovery and ISIS is on the run. Appeasement is dead and America is being respected again in the world again. Our borders are more secure and undesirables are being sent out of the country.

 Yes these results are troubling for the Democrat Party. All of this has happened in just a year and a half and like John Adams said " Facts Are A Stubborn Thing" This could be changed to results are a stubborn thing. Yet these are the facts that you can take to the bank. Russian collusion is not the target of the Mueller investigation. Donald Trump is and by extension those of us who voted for him. If Hillary had won the election there would be no mention of Russia, much less and investigation or special prosecutor. If Donald Trump had run as a Democrat and won he would be the greatest thing since sliced bread. The Democrats went after Reagan with everything they had and he won one of the largest landslides in American history in 1984. I may be wrong but I predict that Trump will win by a landslide in 2020.


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