Bipartisanship is defined as agreement or cooperation between two political parties that usually oppose each others policies. What it means to the Democrats and the media is that the Republicans cave and agree to everything that the Democrats want. Republicans are then thrown a meaningless bone and that passes for bi-partisan compromise. Democrats in the mainstream media and social media are crying crocodile tears for John McCain right now. Hugely offended that Donald Trump would treat a war hero like McCain with such disrespect. As if they really care for war heroes or the military for that matter. The only reason that they liked him was that he was a useful idiot for them. A master of the pseudo bipartisanship between the Republicans and Democrats. He once said “I believe my party has gone astray. I think the Democratic Party is a fine party, and I have no problems with it, in their views and their philosophy.” Any Republican who could say this about the Democrat Party and m...