As a student of history I realize that up until the discovery of penicillin in 1928, and it's first use as a drug in 1929, children died like flies, especially prior to the turn of the twentieth century. They also had to deal with a multitude of diseases that are virtually eliminated today, like typhus, cholera, the plague, smallpox and yellow fever, just to name a few. A couple could have as many as ten children and you were lucky if 3 or 4 lived until adulthood. I love to walk through old cemeteries and read headstones. I am always saddened at the number of small headstones where infants and children are buried and whose young lives ended much too soon. It made no difference back then how wealthy you were or whether you were the king of a country, or president of the United States. Your children were just as vulnerable as the children of the common people. They just died in a lot better surroundings. Abraham and Mary Lincoln lost 3 of their 4 children before they reached the age of adulthood. Edward died when he was almost 4. Willie was 11 and died while living in the White House. Tad almost made it to adulthood, dying at the age of 17. Their oldest son Robert lived a long and distinguished life. President Calvin Coolidge lost his 16 year old son from blood poisoning caused by a blister on his toe while playing tennis on the White House court in 1924. Just 4 short years before penicillin was discovered.

  A few days ago, when I first saw this cartoon, I was thinking how ironic. During an age where death was an ever present part of normal life, parents would have given their own lives to save the lives of their children. Yet they watched helplessly as their precious babies suffered the agony of death right before their very eyes. Grief, nearly drove Mary Lincoln insane, and eventually she would be committed to an asylum. How many parents suffered the agony of grief back then similar to that of Mary and Abraham lincoln? Yet we live in a day when women willingly kill their children on a daily basis, and it is done with an efficiency that would make Hitler envious. It is estimated that over sixty million children have been exterminated since Roe vs. Wade in 1973. There is no way to know, but if you count all the children who died in this country, by natural causes, since our founding until today, it probably wouldn't equal the number of children who have died in the abortion holocaust since 1973. How ironic.


  1. My god! You just made a really exceptional point! I never thought about it like that. Hey, don't worry! If things don't change we'll be right back to dying from blisters because antibiotic resistance is almost complete!

    This is a western phenomenon, in which children are considered a burden, people limit the number of children they have, and some women actually use abortion as their birth control method.

    The rest of the world (except china) never did anything to reduce the birth rate, even as the mortality rate has plummeted & no need to have 'extras' since most would die. (maybe they could stop with the multiple wives & if you're all starving to death, why are you having sex all the time and making more kids).

    When it comes to abortions, so many families of intelligent, well educated people with the kind of financial resources required to raise several kids are the ones who limit their number and who actively promote abortion (especially if their teen daughter gets pregnant) because it will "ruin your life". It's like it means nothing at all.

    I cannot even imagine encouraging my teenage daughter (i don't have one) to have an abortion. If she felt it was too much responsibility, then I would be the mom. If a son's girlfriend got pregnant I would do everything within my power to prevent an abortion.
    This is all a moot point - my first baby died before he was born, and my son died at when he was 15, so there won't be any grandkids.

    Maybe if parents taught their kids some common decency or some standards of morality instead of promoting gender fluidity in kindergarten & 'pansexual' polyamory CRAP the teenage pregnancy rate wouldn't be so high (I know teens are gonna do what they do, there's no way to prevent pregnancy, but the rate of unmarried teen pregnancy & childbirth in the US is disgusting. There's no excuse for it.)
    This is a far cry from eliminating the 'stigma' attached to single motherhood & normalizing the 'baby daddy' culture.

    Little kids talking about sex & transgender, Canada & at least California has a mandatory sex education in public schools requiring kids to be taught 'heteronormativity' is the same as racism, ageism, sexism, etc. The belief that being heterosexual IS NORMAL is EVIL and hateful and wrong. And if the kids feel uncomfortable with it, or don't like it, the parents are sent letters basically telling them their kids just have to 'adjust'.


    1. Great comments, I am glad that my articles are thought provoking. That is a great compliment, thanks.


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