As I write this, the Democrats are doing what they do best. Trying to steal an election. It looks like the election is now in the hands of the hordes of lawyers on both sides and eventually this thing will end up in court. Regardless of whether Trump wins, or the Democrats steal this election, I just want to say that I believe that Donald Trump is the third greatest president in American history. I have to put him behind Washington and Lincoln because Washington created our republic and Lincoln saved it. Without a doubt, however; Trump has accomplished more both domestic and foreign in one term than any president in history. And he has done this in the face of opposition unlike anything any president has faced with the exception of Lincoln. Amazingly he has weathered it all just fine both on a physical and mental level. I would be either dead from stress or in a straight jacket if I had to deal with half the crap that this man deals with on a daily basis. There was a time in...