I have been aware of the political left for much of my life but for years I never realized how dangerous they were. The Vietnam war woke me up to the fact that they had become powerful enough to cause our defeat in that war. Although Lyndon Johnson fought the war about as badly as you can fight a war, our military still won every major campaign. We were not defeated on the battlefield but were defeated on the streets of America. The political left can be blamed for that defeat. By 1972 I sensed that those same people that were leading the mob in the street were now in charge of the Democrat party. I was a Democrat until the early 1980's and I was in my early 30's when I finally realized for certain that the political goals of the Democrat party and mine were in no way similar. I became a Conservative and have never regretted my decision to leave the Democrat party. Since that time I have come to loathe the Democrat party and everything it stands for. Voting Republican became ...