Luke 12 : 51 Do you think I came to bring peace on earth? No, I tell you, but division. 52 From now on there will be five in one family divided against each other, three against two and two against three. 53 They will be divided, father against son and son against father, mother against daughter and daughter against mother, mother-in-law against daughter-in-law and daughter-in-law against mother-in-law.”
I lived in East Nashville after my parents died and my wife lived there her entire life until we married. Our ties to East Nashville run deep. East Nashville has always been a heavily Democrat district but sadly I do not recognize the East Nashville of my youth. It has literally been taken over by Communist thinking and whenever I go back there I feel like I am in little Hanoi or little Havana. I see Black Lives Matter signs everywhere and so many other crazy signs. Unfortunately I was there the night the AP took it upon itself to announce Biden the winner of 2020 presidential election. People were celebrating everywhere. You would have thought that it was the 4th of July. The signs that crack me up the most are the ones that say "A Uniter Lives Here, Not A Divider". How do you unite people when you are telling lies? Who do you expect to unite? You might unite the people who believe in the same lies as you do but beyond that it ain't gonna happen. Do they expect those of us who are awake to turn our backs on the truth and believe in the lies all of a sudden? Has there ever been a time in history that we have ever been truly united? The days after Pearl Harbor may have been the closest that we ever came but that only lasted for the duration of the war.
In the American Revolution there were the Tories and Patriots. Then there were the Federalists and Anti-Federalists who almost came to blows over the 1800 election between John Adams and Thomas Jefferson. The Jacksonian Democrats were hated by the Whigs and the hatred of Andrew Jackson led to the rise of Abraham Lincoln who was hated by the Southern Democrats so much so that it led to the death of 750,000 Americans in the Civil War. I could keep on going but hopefully you get the picture. The Founding Fathers wanted gridlock. They didn't want things to come easy for us. The Constitution was designed to keep tyranny at bay. Both the tyranny of the monarch, or dictator, and the tyranny of the mob. The Constitution was designed to strike a balance between the two. That is why our American republic has lasted so long.
America is now being attacked from both ends. The rich and powerful oligarchs who are using the mob to create chaos. The Communists and oligarchs are setting up a fascist state in America. American's have always been taught that the Nazi's and the Italian Fascists were right wing movements. This is not true. The word Nazi was another name for the National Socialist German Workers Party. Try as you might you can never equate socialism with the political right. Mussolini was a revolutionary socialist and he paved the way for Adolph Hitler. He was a role model for Hitler who greatly admired him. Ernst Rohm was one of Hitler's right hand men during the early days of the Nazi movement. Rohm was the leader of the S.A., or Brown Shirts, until Hitler had him murdered during the "Night of the Long Knives". He had wanted Hitler to nationalize all German industry like the Soviet Communists. Instead Hitler allowed Germany's major industries to prosper as long as they did his bidding. This was fascism, which is just a variation of Communism.
Fascism and Communism have the same goal. The destruction of the bourgeoisie or middle class. China has become more fascistic over the years unlike the Soviet Union which failed to survive because their leaders were not willing to let go of the utopian Communist economic model. Communist China's president Xi Jinping stated that China tried to instill Communism at a time when it was too poor. He said that it wasn't until China adopted a form of capitalism that they were able to successfully secure the Communist system. In other words the regime had to produce enough capital in order for socialism to succeed in China. China is more Fascist today than it is Communist. The elites admire the Chinese Communist model today and would like to see the rest of the world emulate it.
In 1958 the Chinese Communists ended private ownership of farms in China. The Chinese farmers were forced on to collective farms where they would eventually starve to death. This was a Communist five year plan that by 1963 killed an estimated 20 million Chinese and this is a conservative estimate. This five year plan was called the "Great Leap Forward". The elites of the world through the World Economic Forum in Davos Switzerland has formulated a globalist plan called the "Great Reset". Their goal, like that of the Chinese is to end the ownership of private property, among many other things, such as ending shareholder capitalism and replacing it with stakeholder capitalism. The former benefits everyone and has raised our standard of living. The latter only benefits the elites and lowers our standard of living. I do not think that it is a coincidence that the word great is in The Great Leap Forward and The Great Reset. The Great Reset has the potential to kill even more people that the Great Leap Forward did.
Truth is the enemy of all authoritarian regimes. This is why the big tech oligarchs like Mark Zuckerburg of Facebook, the oligarchs who run social media and the mainstream media oligarchs are so determined to shut truth down. They are in bed with the government. By joining forces with the government they stand to become richer and more powerful. At least this is how they view things. The fight that we face today is not between political parties. Most Republican leaders to one degree or another have been bought off like their Communist Democrat colleagues. This is why the Republican's remain silent at a time that their voice of opposition is needed more than any time in our country's history.
The fight is between the rich, powerful elites and the middle class which make up of the rest of us. People who identify as Democrat, Independent or Republican. Those of us who are the working stiffs and who actually care what happens to this country. Yet the oligarchs maintain their power by causing division among us. Their goal is to create a global serfdom. When that happens we will have gone full circle. From the serfdom of the Medieval times to a modern day, high tech serfdom consisting of the very rich and powerful elites who own everything at the top and the rest of us will own nothing and like it, in their words. The real dividers are not the Republicans of Rutherford County Tennessee where I live or the Democrats of East Nashville where I used to live. They are the rich and powerful oligarchs that are transforming our society as I write these words.
The truth is always a double edge sword that cuts both ways. The Bible says in Hebrews 4:12 For the word of God is alive and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart. I will never place a sign on my house that says a uniter lives here. My goal is always to speak the truth. The truth will always divide. There will always be those who wish to remain willfully ignorant and if they do that they will simply hasten their own subjugation and destruction. Read accounts of the Jewish holocaust. Most of those people walked like lambs to the slaughter. Anyone telling them the truth was branded a conspiracy theorist or a crazy person at that time. Read Elie Wiesel's book Night, if you don't believe me. If I have to make a choice I prefer to go out like the Jews of the Warsaw Ghetto, standing on my feet rather than on my knees. I welcome the truth in all things, as harsh as it might be, because the truth will gird my loins for battle. Without it I stand no chance in the face of the enemy.
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