Every time some mentally crazed monster kills or harms innocent people in an active shooter situation such as the recent elementary school shooting in Uvalde Texas we go through a societal wringing of the hands. Many wonder what motivates people to do what they do and what can we do to prevent such tragedies. As the son of a mentally ill father I have had fifty nine long years to contemplate his motives for killing my mother and my unborn sibling. I have opinions on what drove him to do what he did but I will never really know for sure. All I know is that for three years I witnessed his mental deterioration firsthand. In retrospect the red flags were there for all to see. I encouraged my father to get help and he did try for a while but with mixed results. My father always liked his beer but during the years of his mental decline he was drunk a lot. So much so that he was unable to function for days and weeks at a time. He would check himself into a sanitarium where he would dry out bu...