When I named this article I decided to use a tactic that the fascist mainstream media uses whenever someone who doesn't fit the narrative commits a hate crime. Black nationalist Darrell Brooks Jr, ran down white people in a Wisconsin Christmas parade. The fascist press reported that a SUV committed the crime. Recently pro abortion terrorists firebombed a pro life counseling center. One of the fascist mainstream media sources, either CNN or MSNBC I believe, reported that it was not as a firebombing but a fire had broken out in the building. No mention of the terrorists that threw the firebomb. What is the narrative? The narrative is that Conservatives, especially white MAGA supporters, or black MAGA supporters, don't forget, if you are a black Trump supporter you are a white supremacist and a threat to democracy. Either way, according to the Biden regime and the FBI we are the greatest threat known to man right now. Before Donald Trump it was either Republicans or Conservatives who were white supremacists. Now it is Make America Great Again supporters like myself. It doesn't matter to the fascists that Trump supporters, both white and black, deplore violence such as what happened today in Buffalo New York as much as anyone. Probably even more. Nor does it matter to them that if guns were allowed in New York maybe a gun toting MAGA supporter could have took him out before he did much damage.
Besides the fact that innocent people died in another senseless shooting today there are other reasons that Conservatives deplore this shooting. We know the drill and what is coming. First, it wasn't a crazy, evil person that did this today. We did it. We will be blamed. Second, the gun control crowd will be coming after our guns again. They will hysterically call for everything from gun confiscation to calls for "reasonable" or "common sense" gun control. I believe this guy used an AR-15 and of course there will be calls to take away so-called "assault weapons", "guns of war" or "military style rifles". Never mind that rifles of all types kill an average of 300 to 400 people a year in a country of of 340 million. This is for all reasons. Accidents, suicides and murder. According to FBI statistics there were 215 deaths caused by rifles in 2015, 300 in 2016, 389 in 2017, 305 in 2018, and 364 in 2019. By comparison knives killed an average of 1,500 people a year during the same time period. An average of 700 people were killed during these years just from being beaten to death by bare hands or kicked to death. Also during these years there was an average of 6,500 deaths from handguns. When you take away inner city gang shootings these statistics drop dramatically. Facts do not matter to the fascists. As John Adams once said "facts are a stubborn thing" and they do not usually work in the fascists favor so they ignore them.
One thing that I have found out about the fascist media over the years is that if a hate crime doesn't fit the narrative it takes a few days for the truth to be fully revealed. For example when a real white supremacist named Dylan Roof walked into a historic black church in Charleston and senselessly killed nine people we knew immediately that it was a hate crime, and we knew his name and age before the bodies inside the church assumed room temperature. The same was true about today's shooting. On the other hand, when a black nationalist commits a mass shooting, or an incident like the New York subway shooter, or Darrell Brooks Jr., we have to wait hours and sometimes days to learn about the perpetrator and what their motives were. The same is true for Muslim terrorists. Their crimes are usually due to mental illness or workplace violence, such as the Fort Hood shooting by a Muslim jihadist Nidal Hasan. He was an American army major who had been radicalized.
Very rarely are these crimes called hate crimes. The fascist media usually covers for them the way they do fascist politicians. I have to turn to alternative news sources such as conservative talk radio, Tucker Carlson and other sources to find out what really happened. Another way that you know whether or not a terrorist attack falls within the narrative is how long it remains in the news cycle. If someone commits the crime that they think can be linked to a Conservative it will stay in the news cycle for days, weeks, and months. If it is embarrassing to the fascist cause it will probably be dropped from the news cycle the following day or rather quickly. Although Conservatives have come to expect this double standard we are human and it makes our heads want to explode. For those of us who are awake and understand the fascist endgame it is still hard to watch the destruction of our country in real time.
Nidal Hasan |
Darrell Brooks Jr. |
My question is this. Where was law enforcement? Especially the FBI? It is my understanding that Payton Gendron, the idiot that killed all of these people today was talking trash on a social media platform for a while now. According to Biden and the FBI white supremacy is supposed to be the biggest threat facing America today. Could it be that they are so focused on investigating their political enemies such as moms and dads who have the temerity to speak up for their children at a school board meeting because they are being groomed and propagandized by the fascists in the public schools? Or MAGA supporters like myself or people like Tucker Carlson, Laura Ingraham, Mark Levin and other Conservatives rather than looking for real terrorists like Darrell Brooks Jr., Nidal Hasan and Payton Gendron. It wouldn't be the first time that the FBI has dropped the ball. Remember when J Edgar Hoover denied that the mafia even existed and their failure to prevent September 11th.
Recently, I bought a recumbent bicycle and for a couple of days now I have ridden all over my neighborhood. When I moved here in 1979 the neighborhood was somewhat diverse but nothing like it is now. There are two Hispanic families living across the street from me and they are good neighbors. I was a long distance runner for many years but I haven't done much running around the neighborhood over the last ten years. I was kind of surprised at how many black families have moved into my neighborhood over the last few years. As I rode by their houses many waved or spoke to me and I was impressed by their friendliness. My purpose for saying this is not meant to be patronizing. I am simply making the point we don't need the fascists in Washington's permission to get along. We get along in spite of how much they try to divide us.
No matter what happens in Washington DC I can walk outside and the grass is green, the birds are chirping, the sky is blue, the sun is shining, most people are basically good and God is still in control. The real terrorists are in Washington DC and they kill many more people than all of the hate filled Muslim terrorists, black nationalists, Antifa thugs and white supremacists combined. Their Covid policies, open borders, which allow this country to be invaded by drugs, fentanyl, rapists, murderers, and sexual predators. Their abortion laws, endless wars, and Democrat run cities have killed millions. If the fascists win out by transforming us into a third world country with things like the Green New Deal, driving our farmers out of business, and collapsing our economy we will face mass starvation and poverty which could kill millions more.
Never forget that virtually every problem America has today is caused by government. Our problems are inflicted by the worst kind of enemy a country can have. It's own government. Lincoln's Lyceum speech in 1838 is always a good way to end.
At what point shall we expect the approach of danger? By what means shall we fortify against it?– Shall we expect some transatlantic military giant, to step the Ocean, and crush us at a blow? Never!–All the armies of Europe, Asia and Africa combined, with all the treasure of the earth (our own excepted) in their military chest; with a Buonaparte for a commander, could not by force, take a drink from the Ohio, or make a track on the Blue Ridge, in a trial of a thousand years.
At what point then is the approach of danger to be expected? I answer, if it ever reach us, it must spring up amongst us. It cannot come from abroad. If destruction be our lot, we must ourselves be its author and finisher. As a nation of freemen, we must live through all time, or die by suicide.
Abraham Lincoln
Just a postscript. It is my understanding that the fascist press is going after Tucker Carlson and Fox News right now for things that have been said in the past. Of course they are taking them out of context. It is predictable that when the fascists try to point the finger at the right on these kind of things the facts always contradict their talking points. It is my understanding that the shooter stated that he wanted to commit a murder-suicide when he was a senior in high school. When called to task for his comment he claimed that he was just joking and he suffered no consequences. The shooter also wrote a manifesto on social media. He called himself a Communist when he was 12 but he had moderated over the years and he now considers himself to the left politically. He was upset that America will not be a white country by the year 2050. This is an idea that is definitely not a conservative or Republican idea. Our objection to illegal immigration is multifaceted. The primary objection is because it is illegal and creates chaos in American society. Plus, we realize that illegal immigration is simply a massive voter registration drive for the Democrats.
He also said that he was inspired by Brenton Harrison Tarrant who killed 50 Muslims in New Zealand in 2019 and Anders Breivik who killed 77 people in Norway in 2011. These men cannot be successfully linked with the Republican or conservative movement. Finally he wanted more gun control, which definitely cannot be linked to the right because he believed that gun control made it easier for someone like himself to kill people. Which confirms the conservative argument for more guns to be available to law abiding citizens. There was a shooting in an church in California yesterday. Fortunately the shooter was gang tackled before he could kill more people. You will not hear a lot about this shooting because it doesn't fit the fascist narrative. An Asian man shot other Asians.
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