June 24th 2022 was a glorious day for those of us who value life. The Supreme Court followed the Constitution for a change. They invoked the 10th Amendment to the Constitution. The "Death Party", aka the Democrat party, however; will leave no stone unturned to circumvent the Constitution. The legal process is really quite simple. Any power not granted to the Federal government belongs to the states. There is no evidence that abortion was on the Founding Fathers minds when they wrote the Constitution and a womans so called right of privacy was never mentioned in the Constitution. This bogus right was the basis for Roe vs. Wade. A right manufactured by seven out of nine MALES that sat on the 1973 Supreme Court. Ignoring logic, the law and morality they would eventually give women the right to abortion through all 9 months of pregnancy. If the death party had wanted to do things the right way they would have gone to the individual states lobbying the people a...