The last stop on our trip home was at the President Harry S. Truman home in Independence Missouri. I am not fond of too many Democrat presidents in American history but Grover Cleveland, Harry Truman and John Kennedy are my favorites. I have mixed emotions about Andrew Jackson and Franklin Roosevelt but these are my top five Democrat presidents. I like Truman because he was just a decent person and like myself came from common stock. He was the inspiration for the title of my blog. Reflections Of An Uncommon Common man. Truman was truly an uncommon common man who rose to be the most powerful person in the world as president of the United States. Unlike most modern Democrat leaders today, he knew hard work, and had experience running a business. Truman only had a high school education but he could hold his own with any elitist history professor in the country. Many of his political beliefs were flawed but he meant well I believe. He avoided personal and political corrup...