I have always respected Ken Burns for making quality historical documentaries. So when someone with the historical expertise of a Ken Burns says something that is incredibly stupid what audience is he trying to reach? He can't be directing his comments at anyone with a real knowledge of history. He must be hoping to reach those college students who can't even tell you who America fought in WW2 or who fought in the Civil War. On CNN's “New Day”co- host John Berman asked Burns, who was on the show to discuss his new Holocaust documentary, if DeSantis’s action was reminiscent to Nazism. Burns replied “It’s the abstraction of human life, if you can use a human life, that is as valuable as yours or mine … and put it in the position of becoming a political pawn in someone’s authoritarian game, this is straight out of the authoritarian playbook. What’s so disturbing about DeSantis is to use human beings, to weaponize human beings for a political purpose,” So when one of these uninformed potential Democrat voters hears that Ken Burns comparing the flying of illegal migrants to Martha's Vineyard with Nazism they will say, oh thats Ken Burns, he must know what he is talking about.
Speaking of human life, I would like to ask him what his views on abortion are. He hates human beings being used as political pawns when he thinks a Republican does it but he is okay with using them as pawns to change the political demographics of the United States. This is done in order to insure that the Democrats remain in power for perpetuity. He seems to be okay with overwhelming border towns with illegals but he is against bussing or flying even a handful of illegals to Martha's Vineyard. Burns is okay when Biden flies illegals into free states such as Florida or Tennessee in the middle of the night in order to change our voting demographics but Biden would never fly them to a slave state such as Massachusetts, New York or California. They already vote the way Biden wants. I guess Burns is okay with the fentanyl crossing the border that killed over 107,000 Americans last year. What about the value of those lives? How about the increase of crime on the border and the sex trafficking of children. What about their lives? Most of the people who live on Martha's Vineyard are elitist Democrats and of the same socioeconomic class that have imposed the deadly and insane open borders policy on the United States. Why should they not feel the impact of the policy that they supported at the polls with their votes and with their money? Obama, one of the main architects of this open border policy lives in Martha's Vineyard.
Burns equates Ron Desantis with the Nazi's and that he is using an authoritarian playbook. What playbook is he talking about? Is he talking about the playbook that saved the lives of thousands of senior citizens in Florida nursing homes during covid by not allowing covid positive people to be admitted into them the way that slave state governors such as Andrew Cuomo did? Is he talking about the playbook that removed a George Soros funded DA from the city of Tampa whose sick refusal to prosecute criminals allowed them to prey on Tampa citizens? Crime is something that Ken Burns and the inhabitants of Martha's Vineyard never have to worry about. Or is he talking Desantis support of the 2nd Amendment allowing average citizens the ability to defend themselves and their families. The people of Martha's Vineyard are wealthy enough to hire 24 hour security. They don't need a 2nd Amendment like us peons do. Authoritarians like the Democrats remove guns from law abiding citizens, not make it easier for them to have them.
To my knowledge Desantis hasn't weaponized the FBI, or the Florida Bureau of Investigation, into his personal gestapo. He hasn't kicked in the doors of his political opponents in Florida on fishing expeditions hoping to render them ineffective in future elections. Or busted down the door of reporters in the middle of the night looking for a diary detailing how Biden took showers with his teenage daughter. As far as I know Desantis hasn't branded the people who voted against him in the last gubernatorial election as fascists. Desantis doesn't have a son that is hooked on crack, or impregnated a stripper, made millions working jobs that he is supremely unqualified for and has made himself and his dad extremely wealthy through influence peddling and selling out their country. You know, maybe Burns is confusing Desantis with Joe Biden. Burns is getting up there in age and might not be as sharp as he used to be.
You know, leftists are always making ridiculous historical comparisons. I remembered when Oprah Winfrey compared the killing of Emmet Till with the killing of Trayvon Martin. Emmit Till never deserved what happened to him. Trayvon Martin would never deserve what happened to Emmet Till, although the content of their characters were miles apart. Emmet Till was a typical 14 year old kid that you might find in any community, white or black. Martin was a thug who attacked the wrong guy and it cost him his life. Although George Zimmerman was not a model citizen himself the evidence was abundant that in this case he was totally justified in killing Trayvon Martin.
Before and after picture of Emmit Till |
Before picture of Trayvon Martin |
After |
Then there are the Democrats like Biden, Schumer, Pelosi, Harris and a multitude of others who have compared the so-called riots of January 6th with Pearl Harbor, and September 11th 2001. I don't remember Pearl Harbor but I have read a lot about it and have seen most of the pictures. On September 11th I watched in horror as people jumped from the top of a burning 105 story building because they only had two options. Jump from a burning building to their death or stay and burn to death. Not good options. Can you imagine what a survivor of Pearl Harbor, September 11th, or family members who lost loved ones on those infamous days, or the families of military members who lost their lives fighting against real terrorists must be thinking when they hear some scumbag Democrat politician, or Republican scumbag politicians, yes Liz Cheney and Adam Kinzinger I am talking about you, making these ridiculous comparisons. People who have a shred of decency about them would never say such things.
Pearl Harbor |
January 6th |
September 11th |
January 6th |
The Democrats and the press keep referring to January 6th as an armed insurrection, which it wasn't. They keep saying that the rioters caused multiple deaths. Only one death can be attributed to the riot and it was an unarmed protestor murdered by a Capital Hill police officer who has been hailed as a hero by Congress. There are questions left unanswered such as why did Capital Hill police encourage the crowd to enter the capital? How many undercover FBI agents were mixed in with the crowd and what were they doing? It is alleged that over two dozen were in the crowd that day. Why were agitators like Ray Epps, who can clearly be seen urging protestors to go into the capital being left alone while people who were simply standing outside the capital, or at the Trump rally, being imprisoned without the benefit of their rights guaranteed by the Bill of Rights and why are they under endless investigation? Many are languishing in the Washington DC gulag in solitary confinement at the time of this writing and the Republicans are silent.
Let's return to Ken Burns for a moment. Illegal immigrants are voluntarily breaking the law and coming to this country of their own free will. Desantis is not going into other countries like Hitler and rounding up immigrants to ship to Martha's Vineyard. He is not putting them into packed trains where they become so thirsty that they are forced to drink their own urine or are forced to defecate into a single bucket in the corner of a boxcar. They face no selection process where the majority go immediately to their death and the physically fit are saved as slave labor to keep the camps running. Have you ever noticed how well dressed that the illegals are and they all get a cellphone for good measure. No, Hitler's victims would have loved someone like Ron Desantis. He would have been on their side.
Never forget that when the left labels you, they are are accusing you of being what they know that they are.. When they charge you of doing something wrong they have already done what they are accusing you of doing many times over. They have taken on the character of satan himself. Satan is the father of lies, a murderer from the beginning, an adversary, an evil spirit, the god of this world, the great red dragon, the old serpent, the power of darkness, the ruler of darkness, the tempter, the spirit that worketh in the children of disobedience and the accuser of the brethren. Altogether there are 30 names for satan in the Bible that describe some aspect of his character. Everyone of these titles could apply to most Democrat leaders. I am not talking about every Democrat. I am primarily talking about the leadership of the Democrat party. Like satan they fight that much harder because they know their time is short. A day of reckoning is coming. Psalm 52: 3-5 You love evil rather than good, falsehood rather than speaking the truth. 4 You love every harmful word, you deceitful tongue! 5 Surely God will bring you down to everlasting ruin: He will snatch you up and pluck you from your tent; he will uproot you from the land of the living.
The holocaust |
The holocaust |
Martha's Vineyard migrants |
Martha's Vineyard Migrant |
satan speaks |
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