There is an organized attempt to kill common sense in America and the Western democratic world. It has been happening for well over one hundred years. As a Christian I know who wins in the end because I have read God's Word. The wicked, who have wrought, and are wreaking death and destruction on this earth will all perish with their father satan in the Lake of Fire after the Great White Throne judgement. The Bible tells us that satan is the god of this world and will win for a season. Therefore he knows that his destruction is coming and his time is short. He is working extra hard at taking as many souls with him as he can before his time is up. I am not as optimistic for the fate of America as I am for the fate of the righteous. Whittaker Chambers was a Communist from 1925 until 1937. His testimony was largely responsible for the conviction of Alger Hiss for perjury in 1948. Hiss was a Soviet spy that occupied a high level position in the U.S. State Department under both Franklin Roosevelt and Harry Truman. Chambers was able to identify other high level Communist officials in the U.S. government and in American society because of his past association with them as a Communist. He was one of the lucky ones who was able to see the Communists for what they really were and left the party in 1938. Chambers had a wife and children. He had to secretly leave his home, take on a false identity and hide out as if he was a criminal. Chambers did this because he knew that the Communists would kill him if they discovered where he was living.  After a few years he decided that living out in the open was his best chance of survival. Chambers only had a high school education but he was a writer and fluent in a number of languages. He would eventually be hired into an entry level position at Time magazine and work his way up to editor in chief. 

 Chambers wrote a book called Witness which was his autobiography and a recounting of the Alger Hiss trial. On the second page of the book Chambers recounts what he said to his wife when he decided to leave the Communist party. " I wanted my wife to realize clearly one long-term penalty, for herself and for the children, of the step I was taking. I said: You know, we are leaving the winning world for the losing world. I meant that, in the revolutionary conflict of the 20th century, I knowingly chose the side of probable defeat. Almost nothing that I have observed, or has happened to me since, has made me think that I was wrong about that forecast. But nothing has changed my determination to act as if I were wrong---if only because, in the last instance, men must act on what they believe right, not on what they believe probable. Then in 1938, with the clearest understanding of the consequences, we freely made the choice which history is slowly bringing all men to see is the one possible choice---the decision to die, if necessary, rather than to live under Communism. Nothing has made us regret that decision". At the moment that Chambers made his decision to leave the Communist party he had somewhere to flee to that was free. If America falls to the Communists there is no where to find refuge. Regardless  of your race or ethnicity. As Ronald Reagan said we are the last refuge of the world. If I had read Chambers words in 1970 I would have said there is no way Communism will ever triumph in this country. 

 Since 1972, when Communists were able to engineer the takeover of the Democrat party my faith in American government has wavered. I began to believe over time that if something didn't happen to change the course we were on one day my grandchildren or great grandchildren would live to see a complete Communist takeover of America. These last two years have awakened me to the reality that I might live to see it. We are literally hanging by a thread over the dark pit of Communism. The results of every congressional and presidential election could spell disaster from now on. Events have forced me to contemplate choosing death over losing my freedom. I have been forced to ask myself this question. Am I willing to die for my right to worship, to speak my mind freely, or my right to defend myself and my family? Like Whittaker Chambers and Patrick Henry I choose death over slavery. If you haven't seriously asked yourselves these questions you are not prepared for what's coming. As Chambers sat on a park bench below a statue honoring Alexander Hamilton in New York City he was contemplating his future. He was trying to decide whether or not he wanted to attend college. It was then that he thought of two lines from Savinus written in the fifth century when the Goths and Vandals were in Carthage, " The Roman Empire is filled with misery, but it is luxurious. It is dying but it laughs." This could easily describe the state of America today. How did we get here? We got here because the Communists have managed to undermine common sense American values. I hope to show the reader why and how this is happening.

Like most radicals, Whittaker Chambers grew up in a dysfunctional middle class family. He had an artistic father that was emotionally distant from his family. His mother was a beautiful unsuccessful actress that left the stage for marriage and raising a family. His parents would separate but the father would eventually return to their home and live as a recluse in an upstairs bedroom. When Chambers was in his early twenties his college age younger brother began talking about committing suicide. His brother talked incessantly about the hopelessness of life and how he wanted to die. Chambers and his mom tried to talk him out of it. He managed to save his brother after his first two suicide attempts but was unable to save him on the third attempt. Chambers reasoned that although he felt the same as his brother about the hopelessness of life he would be stronger and avoid suicide. At the age of 24 Communism was the religion that he felt gave him the will to live. He said that " A man does not, as a rule, become a Communist because he is attracted to Communism, but because he is driven to despair by the crisis of history through which the world was passing." Chambers stated that war and economic crisis was the crisis of history. In Chambers case the problem of war concerned him the most. In his view Communism offered the best solutions. In our modern world Communism is not only for those concerned about war and economic crisis it is now the refuge of those with a grievance. Racial, sexual, or religious.

 Karl Marx was the perfect role model for the hopeless. Much like Bernie Sanders and other socialists he was lazy and never liked to work. He was always talking about capital but he never did anything to earn any. His long suffering mother once said that she wished "Karl would accumulate capital instead of just writing about it". His wife said virtually the same thing. "Karl, if you had only spent more time making capital instead of writing about it, we would have been better off". Marx was spoiled as a child and was always wasteful in his spending habits. For most of his life he and his family was supported by friends and family. His father died when he was in college and his wealth was passed on to his mother after his death. She would eventually give him his share of his inheritance which should have kept him going for years but he was broke in one year. Then there was his wealthy Communist friend, Friedrich Engels, who was also living off of the wealth of his parents. Because of Marx's wasteful spending habits he lived in the slums of London for twenty years. At least three of his children died from malnutrition and neglect. Four of his six children died before he did. The two daughters that survived died in suicide pacts with their husbands. One of the husbands chickened out after he had allowed his wife to die first. Marx was infatuated with suicide and loved poems about suicide pacts. He was an egomaniac and infatuated with destruction. His favorite line from Faust was " Everything that exists deserves to perish". He loved dark poetry about destruction. Marx was very much like the Democrat party today and many Democrats. He hated anyone who disagreed with him and was known for his rudeness toward anyone who disagreed. Marx wished for their destruction and wanted them silenced. 

 Friends claimed that Marx was a doting and tender father. Marx was devastated by the deaths of his children but in my view he has to be held accountable because of his spending habits. I had a relative like that. It was obvious that they loved their children but their wasteful spending habits condemned their children to a rough childhood. He fathered at least one illegitimate child and it is believed it was the result of raping his housekeeper. Marx's friend Engels claimed that the baby was his in order to keep Marx out of trouble with his wife. Engels confessed to his daughter on his deathbed that Marx was the father of the child. Marx also had a problem with personal hygiene and his body was frequently covered with boils. His wife Jennie was a beautiful baroness who endured a life of poverty with her husband and grew old before her time. The housekeeper was given to her by her father because she knew nothing about caring for children. Regardless of their poverty the housekeeper never left the Marx's and became Engel's housekeeper after their deaths. 

 It could be argued that Marx was a sexist because he preferred male children. He said "I prefer the male sex among children who will be born at this turning point in history" He was a racist. According to the ex-Marxist Steven Schwartz. Marx "disowned" his daughter for marrying a man of mixed race. Her husband was Cuban and thought to be partly black. Marx referred to him as "Negrillo" and " The Gorilla". He complained that his son-in-law " has the blemish customarily found in the negro tribe---no sense of shame, by which I mean shame about making a fool of oneself". Marx influence on his children was evident when his daughter Jenny said that she "drudged like a nigger" in a letter to her sister Eleanor. Although Marx was a Jew himself, he was an anti-semitic self hating Jew who had converted to the Lutheran church before becoming an atheist. Of one Jewish contemporary he mocked his manners by saying he had "cynical, oily-obtrusive, phony-Baronial Jew manners". Marx described a Jewish German socialist labor organizer Ferdinand Lassalle as a "greasy Jew" "the little kyke" "water-polack Jew" "Jew Braun" "Yid" "Izzy" "Wily Ephraim," "Baron Itzig," and the Jewish Nigger". On July 30,1862, in a letter to Engels, he said the following about Lassalle. " It is now perfectly clear to me that, as the shape of his head and the growth of his hair indicates, he is descended from the Negroes who joined in Moses flight from Egypt". As an believer in evolution Marx made an exception saying "unless his mother or grandmother on the father's side was crossed with a nigger". It is ironic that so many blacks and Jews are drawn to the philosophy of a man who hated them. The leaders of Black Lives Matter proudly boast that they are trained Marxists yet the Communists have always exploited blacks.  

The ten commandments of Communism are as follows:

1. Abolition of property in land and application of all rents of land to public purposes. 
2. A heavy progressive or graduated income tax. 
3. Abolition of all right of inheritance.
4. Confiscation of all property of emigrants and rebels. 
5. Centralization of credit in the hands of the state, by means of a national bank. with state capital and an exclusive monopoly.
6. Centralization of the means of communication and transport in the hands of the state.
7. Extension of factories and instruments of production owned by the state; the bringing into cultivation of waste lands, and the improvement of the soil generally in accordance with a common plan.
8. Equal obligation of all to work.  
9. The gradual abolition of all the distinction between town and country by a more equitable distribution of the population over the country.
10. Free education for all children in public schools. 

Every thing on this list is destructive to a society. Marx and Engels wanted to pass these things through the democratic process in order to hasten the destruction of capitalism. They believed that capitalism would fall of its own weight but these things would guarantee it's destruction without a violent revolution. 

1. ABOLITION OF PROPERTY: Have you ever lived next to a place that people are renting? If you own your own home it brings the value of your property down. Many times rental property is an eyesore and the wrong class of people are living in there. I am not saying that everyone who rents is bad but many are. If you own something you are more likely to take care of it. Although the early colonists at Jamestown and Plymouth probably didn't know what socialism was the concept of socialism was tried at the very beginning of the English colonization of America. All the food was kept in a communal storehouse and doled out equally. Nobody owned anything but they were expected to tend to communal gardens. The residents of Jamestown and Plymouth both went through a starving time that nearly wiped out the new colonies. They even resorted to cannibalism until the leaders wised up and allowed the settlers to own their own land. Each settler provided for their own needs and sold the excess. This was capitalism and it saved them from starvation. Stalin, with his five year plan, and Mao with the Great Leap Forward, starved millions of their own people to death after confiscating private farms that were then absorbed by the state and made into collective farms. The private ownership of farms in China was working. The goal of The Great Reset is to end the private ownership of land and property worldwide.  Klaus Schwab said that we would own nothing and like it. In my view it is no coincidence, since the elitists at Davos Switzerland admire the Communist Chinese so much, that the word Great is used for the Great Reset. Sounds a whole lot like the Great Leap Forward. The Great Reset will produce the same result. Starving people in America and across the world.

2. A HEAVY PROGRESSIVE OR GRADUATED INCOME TAX: I absolutely despise the graduated income tax. Most politicians, Democrat and Republican like it because when their side is in power they can use it as a weapon against those who they don't like and a reward system for the people that they do like. Until the 16th Amendment to the Constitution was ratified in 1913 a direct tax of the people was illegal. This was the way that the Founding Fathers wanted it. All Federal taxation would be through excise taxes or tariffs. The first income tax was implemented to help finance the Civil War but it only affected the wealthiest people. After the war it would be reimplemented in the late 1800's but the Supreme Court correctly struck it down as unconstitutional. When the early progressives pushed for an amendment to the Constitution to implement a progressive income tax it was sold to the people as only affecting the wealthy. They were assured that the average person didn't have anything to worry about. Don't you just love those slippery slopes? 

 This was the case for a few years until, you guessed it. World War II happened. Then it became everyone's patriotic duty to contribute to the war effort. Pretty much everyone was touched by it after that. This monster continues to this day but only the wealthy and middle class have to pay taxes. The rest are given money, if they have children. Even though they didn't even pay into it. The rest of us get to pay for them through our taxes. See how this works. It creates permanent voting blocks. The hero of conservatives, Milton Friedman, came up with the brilliant scheme, of payroll deductions during the Roosevelt administration. Something he would live to regret. This helped reduce the pain of paying taxes. Now, we face the prospect of an additional 87,000 new IRS agents that will not only breathe down the backs of the wealthy MAGA voters but all of us middle class MAGA voters. Teach us to exercise our God given right to vote for whomever we want to. The very reason that Friedman came to regret payroll deduction is that the graduated income tax and payroll deduction have been used to grow the size of government. Something that the Founding Fathers greatly opposed. They saw government as a necessary evil and not a good thing. Karl Marx would be proud of his graduated income tax and it's detrimental affect on the American society. The year 1913 was a very bad year for liberty in America. It was the year that the Amendment establishing the Federal Reserve was passed, the Amendment allowing the popular election of senators and the Amendment establishing the income tax. 

3. THE ABOLITION OF ALL RIGHT OF INHERITANCE: Luckily, there hasn't been a lot of progress against the right of inheritance over the years. I am not an expert on tax law but the biggest gripe seems to be that if I pay the taxes on the things that I own the people that inherit my property shouldn't have to pay taxes again. It is ironic that Marx and Engels never turned down money from their parents and Marx accepted every dime that was passed on to him from his parents estate. They used this money to help destroy the very system that they profited from.

4. CONFISCATION OF PROPERTY OF EMIGRANTS AND REBELS: Modern day Marxists in the Democrat party might look at this one and say hey Karl maybe you need to lighten up on the immigrants. Or was Karl referring to illegal immigrants? Instead of taking their property we will give them the property of American citizens since apparently they represent the potential power to grant perpetual power to the Democrats and turn America into a one party totalitarian state. The rebels on the other hand have to be those people who are being robbed by the state and resent the theft of their property. Even God recognizes the right to own property because he told us thou shalt not steal. 

5. CENTRALIZATION OF CREDIT OF CREDIT IN THE HANDS OF THE STATE BY MEANS OF A NATIONAL BANK.... : History shows that under English rule and later after the American Revolution, when we have had a central bank our economy has experienced boom and bust cycles. They have always devalued our currency which leads to inflation. There was a central bank during the American Revolution which caused the patriot currency to be worthless. It was not based on anything of value. This is where the saying, it ain't worth a continental came from. This is why the Founding Fathers wrote the following words in Article 1 Section 8, Clause 5: To coin Money, regulate the Value thereof, and of foreign Coin, and fix the Standard of Weights and Measures. They intended for our currency to be based on something of value such as gold and silver. Central banks tend to end up printing money or issuing currency that is devalued which leads to inflation and economic distress. The Federal Reserve is a central bank although it was designed to have 12 branches spread around the country. It has been responsible for every economic recession and depression since it's founding in 1913. It's purpose has been to make a handful of the wealthiest in our country even wealthier and to provide government with all the money they want to spend. Government spending is the primary cause of inflation which is a tax on the middle class and the poor. The Federal Reserve has the largest part to play in the implementation of the Great Reset which if successful will create two classes of people. The super wealthy a permanent poor class. We will return to an age of serfdom. 

6. CENTRALIZATION OF THE MEANS OF COMMUNICATION AND TRANSPORT IN THE HANDS OF THE STATE: If the Marxists had their way in America there would only be one source of communication and the state would control it. For the time being that pesky 1st Amendment gets in their way and there is conservative talk radio, some conservative social media, and a few conservative news services such as Newsmax, One America News, Fox News, although it has drifted to the left in recent years, Breitbart, The Daily Caller, Epoch News and others. The fact that CBS, NBC, ABC, CNN, NPR, MSNBC, and most social media are an arm of the Democrat party reflects the influence that Marxism has had on our media. They are in essence state run media. Unfortunately they have a strong hold on the ability to forge public opinion. I am a firm believer in the American people if they are fully informed. If they have had a chance to hear all sides of an issue and employ critical thinking which will help lead them to vote for what is best for the country and for their own self interests. Too many are not well informed and for that reason I do not trust their decision making at election time. As far as the centralization of transport this is the aim of the Green New Deal. American's have always depended on a variety of forms of transportation. The gasoline powered engine has given the individual tremendous amount of sovereignty over their own lives. The automobile has given them the power to live, work, and play wherever they wish. Mass transit and electric powered vehicles limits that sovereignty. Gas powered cars can go where there is no mass transit and electric cars will limit our mobility which is what the Marxists want. The average American cannot afford an electric car. Limiting our ability to travel enhances the governments power over us. 


I will leave the interpretation of this point to people smarter than myself.

8. EQUAL OBLIGATION OF ALL TO WORK: Good luck on this one. This is a fanciful notion and sounds great but we all know that there will never be an equal obligation to work. I can't tell you how many times that when I worked union jobs people encouraged me to work less because I was showing up the slackers. When people are rewarded for their hard work, such as working on commission, they tend to work harder. One of the biggest arguments against slavery was that the slave did not benefit from his own labor. 

9. THE GRADUAL ABOLITION OF ALL THE DISTINCTION BETWEEN TOWN AND COUNTRY BY A MORE EQUTABLE DISTRIBUTION OF THE POPULATION OVER THE COUNTRY: This is something that Obama started and Biden has continued. Section 8 housing has been moved to the suburbs in many places. For a while I couldn't figure out if Obama was a Muslim or a Communist. I finally reasoned that he is not a Muslim because if he is he is not a very good one. He doesn't follow the tenets of the faith but he is very friendly toward it, especially radical Islam. I do believe that he is a Communist, however. His mother, and grandparents were very left leaning and his biological father was a Marxist. His mentor growing up was Frank Marshall Davis, an avowed Communist, and he spent 20 years of his life attending Trinity United Church Of Christ in Chicago listening to the Marxist Jeremiah Wright preach the Marxist gospel of Black Liberation theology. Obama was a community organizer and proponent of the Marxist Saul Alinsky Rules For Radicals. 

10. FREE EDUCATION FOR ALL CHILDREN IN PUBLIC SCHOOLS: The Communists love this one. Give us your kids to indoctrinate from kindergarten through high school. The field of education is where we have seen Communism makes some of it's greatest gains. John Dewey was the founding father of American public education and was pro Communist. He was the honorary president for life of the NEA or National Education Association. When I raised my children I did not know what I know now. If I were raising young children today I would do everything in my power to keep them out of government schools.


 Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels had a materialistic view of history. They believed that Capitalism would collapse of it's own weight because the proletariat, or working class, would become poorer and poorer. Over time they would finally be so disgruntled that they would overthrow the capitalist system and create a Communist utopia. Reality has proven that instead of economic conditions getting worse they actually have improved over time because of the capitalist systems of the western democracies. Democracy combined with capitalism created more and more opportunities for poor people to advance. Because of economic mobility that capitalism provides, many poor became wealthy themselves or made it to the bourgeoisie or middle class. Good times are always devastating to the fascist and Communist cause. Hitler's ideology only prospered during the hard times of hyperinflation just after WW1 and later during the depression. The socialistic programs of Franklin Roosevelt could not have been implemented had it not been for the depression. At the beginning of the 20th century Communists realized that Marx's vision of a Communist utopia did not appeal to the average person living in western Europe and the United States. WW1 was a reality check for the Communists. Instead of the proletariat uniting with their fellow workers to oppose the war on an international scale working class men from France, England, and Russia were enlisting to fight other working class men in Germany, and Austria-Hungary. The Communists began to realize that they had to fundamentally change the culture. Their call for workers of the world to unite wasn't gaining traction with the workers. 

 This called for a different strategy. Marxism always appeals to the class of people who are looking to acquire something for nothing at the expense of others. It will always appeal to the aggrieved class. Those who have a beef with something or somebody whether it is real or contrived. It is funny that Marxists usually always come from the very class that they are trying to destroy. The middle or wealthy class. Marx and Engel's grew up as spoiled brats and they believed that they were smarter than everyone else. These narcissists believed that only they were smart enough to change the world and this tradition continues. The left and Communism is loaded with narcissists today and always has been. You can't get more narcissistic than the Clinton's, the Obama's or the Biden's. Yes Trump is a narcissist but at least his narcissism builds rather than destroys and he loves his country. The Communists of the early 1900's began to realize that contrary to Marx theory that capitalism would collapse of its own weight it had to have help. The culture had to be changed. Those things that strengthened Democratic capitalism such as the family, religion, love for ones country, it's history, the independence and reverence for the sovereignty of the individual, along with the educational system had to be destroyed. It must be replaced by total dependence and blind obedience to a centralized power. The Democrat idea of build back better was born. 

The Communist battle to change things can actually be traced back to just after the Civil War when they began attacking the Christian padea. This is when the public school system began making headway in America. The Christian padea method of teaching had it's origins in ancient Greece. It was derived from the Greek padea which emphasized the teaching of the liberal arts. These were grammar, logic, rhetoric, arithmetic, astronomy, music, and geometry. The Greeks taught everyone, regardless of class, these 7 liberal arts, which were designed to foster critical thinking which allowed the individual to arrive at his own conclusions. Ultimately the Greeks and later the American educational system considered it a way that the individual might discover God through critical thinking. The students were not told what to think but how to think. After the Civil War Horace Mann began to push for the centralized public school system popular in Europe. Thomas Dewey, a Communist, redesigned American public education into into the system we are plagued with today. Instead of being taught how to think his system taught students what to think. The teachers unions, which were infiltrated by the Communists in the first half of the twentieth century have caused our modern day schools to deteriorate to their present condition. Students who cannot read and are dummed down are more susceptible to being mindless robots totally dependent on the state or big brother. Although far less people in America received formal education prior to the 1900's the ones who did were well educated compared to the majority of students graduating today. Many if not most are illiterate and unable to even fill out an employment application.  

After WW1 an Italian Communist named Antonio Gramsci was imprisoned by Benito Mussolini in 1926 and would die in prison in 1937. He was a founding member of the Italian Communist party. While in prison he wrote the Prison Notebooks. Gramsci was an advocate of the "Long March" approach to destroying capitalist democracies. To him Marxism should be looked at not only from a material point of view such as advocated by Marx and Engels but if Communism was to triumph the culture also had to change. He believed that "cultural hegemony" stood in the way of radical change. In other words society's common sense values comes from the bourgeoisie, or middle class value system. Normal people consider common sense values to be a good thing. Communists hate them because they are a bulwark against the destructive ideas of a radical philosophies such as Communism, Fascism or any other radical ideas. Gramsci wanted to begin a long march of destruction through western culture. Think of it as another Sherman's March To The Sea creating a path of destruction that will ultimately end in America's destruction. Marx, Gramsci and all Communists knew that before you can establish their so-called Communist utopia you must destroy religious values, family values, undermine our historical values, and legal values such as the rule of law. In other words destroy our culture as a people. This destructive march was going on even before Gramsci. In one form or another it has gone on since the American Civil War. 

 The Frankfort school was another hotbed of Cultural Marxism. The school was founded in 1923 by the Marxist scholar Carl Grünberg in Frankfort Germany. This was before Gramsci wrote the Prison Notebooks. Max Horkheimer took over the school in 1930. He and other cultural Marxists such as Theodor W. Adorno, Erich Fromm, and Herbert Marcuse also taught at the school. With the rise of Adolph Hitler they felt compelled to leave Germany for the twin reasons that Hitler hated Communists and Jews. Although Fascism is another form of Communism it is akin the the hatred of Sunni Muslims toward Shiite Muslims and vice versa. The national socialism of Hitler and Mussolini has more in common with Communism than it it does with the political right or conservatism. They were socialist movements. Hitler's SA leader Ernst Rohm advocated for a total nationalization of German industry. Leftists are constantly trying to identify them as right wing movements I assume this is because they defined their movements as nationalist. Even today the media and the Democrat party try to link conservatism and Trump to the Neo Nazi's. The beliefs of the Neo Nazi's are more akin to Hitler's beliefs than our beliefs, or Trump's beliefs. Antifa and BLM are fascist movements. The big difference was that Communism was an international movement as opposed to a national movement but don't be fooled. There is no countries in the world more nationalistic than China, North Korea, Cuba or Russia, although Russia is no longer Communist. Stalin appealed to Russian nationalism in order to defeat Germany in WW2. In 1935 Horkheimer moved the Frankfort School to the United States and affiliated itself with Columbia University in New York. One could argue that this move sped up the Communist takeover of most of our universities that you see today. Herbert Marcuse's name is forever linked with the New Left movement of the 1960's and the Communist Vietnam antiwar movement.


Karl Marx was focused on destroying religion and family in western culture. Marx stated that "Man makes religion, religion does not make man" Religion is the sigh of the oppressed creature, the heart of a heartless world, and the soul of soulless conditions. It is the opium of the people." He also said "The abolition of religion as the illusory happiness of the people is the demand for their real happiness". Other Communists such as Mikhail Bakunin, an ally of Marx and a Russian atheist stated " If God really existed, it would be necessary to abolish him." He also said that "all religions are cruel, all founded on blood." I hear this all the time but lets look at the scorecard of Communism which is based on atheism. I believe that these numbers are far too conservative but they come from the 1999 book The Black Book Of Communism. The USSR killed 20 million people, China 65 million, Vietnam 1 million, North Korea 2 million, Cambodia 2 million, Eastern Europe 1 million, Latin America 150,000 people, African Communism 1.7 million, Afghanistan 1.5 million, the international Communist movement and Communist parties not in power: about 10,000 deaths. V.I. Lenin said "All worship of a divinity is a necrophilia". Lenin also compared worship of God to a venereal disease. He also stated that "There can be nothing more abominable than religion". Catholic bishop Fulton Sheen stated that "Communists had failed to convince the world that there is no God. Rather they had succeeded only in convincing the world that there is a devil".

Why do Communists hate religion so much?  Because Marx thought religion was Communism's chief competitor for the mind of the working class. When John Kennedy was assassinated 5 out of 6 American's attended church. Today, only 1 in 5 attend church if that much since Covid. The Democrat aka American Communist party targeted the church during the pandemic. That was by design. You couldn't get Covid at Wal Mart or Cosco but going to church was a danger to your health. Until fairly recently over 90% of American's proclaimed a belief in God. It has now dropped into the 70 % range. Historically it has been the church or the family that American's turn to in times of need or trouble. Communists want people turning to the government at all times which increases their power and governments  power over the individual. America has always been a country that is very giving to those in need during a disaster, both in this country and around the world. It is because of the church and the spirit of giving fostered by the church. Socialist countries are not as giving during hard times and disasters as is  the United States. The more you depend on government the more you are likely to vote for socialists who exploit you. Thomas Jefferson said that a government big enough to supply everything you need is big enough to take away everything you have. Jefferson also said that the reason Christianity is the best friend of government is because Christianity is the only religion that changes the heart.

 Since the advent of Cultural Marxism in the 20th century Marxists have not only targeted religion but all of our core common sense values that have been the foundation of western society and American society. Such things as the family, respect for our parents, patriotism, the work ethic, respect for authority, fiscal responsibility, sexual mores, and sound educational values just to name a few. The family has been under attack for a long time now. Like religion, people have historically turned to the family during hard times. The Communists understand that the family must be destroyed as well as the church. If you have no family to turn to then all that is is left is the government. When Kennedy was assassinated in 1963 the nuclear family was strong in America. Meaning that a father, mother and their children were all living under the same roof. About 95% of white families and over 90% of black families had a father living at home. Today only about 70% of white families have a father present and about 30% of black families. Seventy percent of black children are born out of wedlock. Statistics show that children living in a fatherless home are much more likely to be involved in criminal activity. Even the communist Barack Obama acknowledged the importance of fathers in the home at a Father's Day address. “Too many fathers are M.I.A, too many fathers are AWOL, missing from too many lives and too many homes. They have abandoned their responsibilities, acting like boys instead of men. And the foundations of our families are weaker because of it.” There are many fantastic mothers raising children by themselves but they are the exception rather than the rule because women and men fill different roles in a family. The presence of a father and mother add balance and strength to the nuclear family. 

 One of the myths perpetrated by the left is that slavery destroyed the black family. This is not true. There were way more fathers living under the same roof with their children during slavery than live with their children today. It was the welfare programs beginning with Lyndon Johnson that have damaged black families as well as white families. Prior to Lyndon Johnson it was very difficult for a single mother to get by without the help of a man sharing in the financial burdens. By rewarding bad behavior the government made it possible for a woman to make it without a man present in the home. Women are more likely to have several children by different fathers because the government incentivizes out of wedlock births. This is not only an indictment of certain women but of the men who fail to be accountable for their actions. The government makes it easier for a man to walk away from a relationship. Even if a couple wants to do the right thing and get married it is hard to walk away from a regular monthly government paycheck, food stamps, federal housing assistance and other benefits. I recently heard about a couple who have lived together for years, have children together and a child with a severe medical condition. They want to do the right thing and get married but they can't because they will lose all government assistance if they get married. This is the trap that big government sets for people and this dependence empowers the government and weakens the nuclear family. Although Marx was married and had 6 children he came to hate the institution of marriage and his home life was miserable. He wrote to Engels "Blessed is he who has no family" and "There is no greater stupidity than for people of general aspirations to marry and surrender themselves to the small miseries of domestic and private life" In a letter to his future son-in-law he wrote " If I had to live my life over again, .... I would not marry".


There are other ways that the family has been undermined by the Communists. The so-called "Sexual Revolution" of the 1960's. It's founder was Wilhelm Reich, born to secular Jewish parents in Austria-Hungary in 1897. This is no indictment of Judaism because he was not raised in a religious tradition of any kind. His father was very abusive and he never displayed love or affection toward his son. Young Wilhelm was obsessed with sex from as early as age 4. He recounts fondling his nursemaid's genitals, which she allowed for about 10 minutes and he only stopped because he was afraid of being discovered by his father. Wilhelm fantasized about having sex with everyone from his babysitter to his mother. As he got older he was absorbed in chronic masturbation. By the time he was 11 he was having daily intercourse with another of the family servants, a cook. He claimed to have had intercourse almost everyday for years and it was usually in the afternoon when his parents were napping. Wilhelm progressed to fondling the family's farm animals while he masturbated. He was heavily influenced by another pervert obsessed with sex, Sigmund Freud. Wilhelm worked for Freud and eventually read Karl Marx's writings becoming a communist in 1928. In 1930 he published his book The Sexual Revolution in German and it was published in English in 1945. The book made him famous, or infamous depending on who was reading it. The book was banned by court order in the U.S. in 1954 and later by the FDA for mental, psychological, and physical health reasons as much as moral ones. In the preface to the 4th edition to the book he argued for "the genital rights of children adolescents". He fought for the rights of children and adolescents to have a natural love life and championed for "the love life" of newborns and the "free life expressions of newborn infants, of small children, adolescents, and adult men and women". 

 The Communist "New Left" of the 1960's loved Reich's book and the cultural Marxists have promoted the ideas of Reich ever since. The invention of the birth control pill made the sexual revolution of the 1960's possible. This New Left movement inspired the Hippie's, glorified rebellion among our youth and normalized sex outside of marriage, homosexuality, extramarital relationships and non traditional living arrangements with a sexual partner without committing to marriage. All of this, in addition to government welfare programs,  has added to the breakdown of the traditional nuclear family. Divorce rates have skyrocketed since the 1960's causing the displacement of children and increasing the likelihood that they will be physically abused or molested. Family break-ups contribute to the emotional trauma of children as well as adults causing an increase in dysfunctional behavior, drug use, and a rise in suicides. 
Wilhelm Reich


 The radical homosexual movement has also undermined common sense family values in America and the western world. I like the term "Alphabet Mafia" when referring to the so-called LGBTQ movement. Harry Hay, b 1912 d 2002 was a Communist and father of the modern "Gay Rights" movement. His most effective achievement was convincing the left that homosexuals were a minority class worthy of legal protection. A Harry Hay expert, Will Roscoe, wrote that "Without the idea of Gays as a cultural minority there would be no Gay identity and no Lesbian/Gay movement today". Harry Hay was a cultural Marxist. Even Wikipedia which tends to protect Communists and members of the political left describes Harry Hay accurately. They write " Hay was a prominent American gay rights activist, communist, pro-pedophilia activist( NAMBLA) and ... founder of the Mattachine Society, the first sustained gay rights group in the United States, as well as the Radical Faeries, a loosely-affiliated gay spiritual movement" The Radical Faeries are a pagan group and into witchcraft. NAMBLA stands for North American Man Boy Love Association. Hay was ahead of his time in supporting pedophilia and transgenderism. He advocated for up to 31 official gender identity options. We are now up to over 100. We have seen the slippery slope progression of the radical homosexual movement from tolerance to acceptance, legal protection, Gay marriage, the transgender fad to the ultimate sin and travesty of pedophelia. These people are actually advocating doing away with the term pedophile and replacing it with the milder term of MAP, Minor Attracted Persons. Harry Hay was mentored into the Communist party by the Communist Will Geer who was Grandpa Walton on the hit series The Walton's. Geer and Hay were also lovers. Like Whittaker Chambers who had at long last "found his church" upon joining the Communist Party Harry Hay felt the same way. Communism was the perfect religion of perverts like Harry Hay and Wilhelm Reich. 



 Besides a massive centralized leftwing government nothing has damaged the family more than radical feminism. Nobody has influenced radical feminism more than the Marxist Kate Millett. She is the author of a book called Sexual Politics. It was her dissertation at the Communist controlled Columbia University. She published the book in 1970 and condemned the "patriarchy" of the monogamous nuclear family. Her book landed her on the cover of Time magazine and she was called the "high priestess" and "Mao Tse-tung of the Women's Movement. The New York Times hailed her angry book as "the bible of Women's Liberation" Her sister Mallory did not agree with her ideology, and was actually afraid of her. In 1969 Kate invited Mallory to be part of a so-called "consciousness-raising group" in her apartment. They gathered at a large table and the meeting resembled a Catholic church recitation. The chairwoman opened with the question "Why are we here today?" The women answered " To make revolution". "What kind of revolution?' "The Cultural Revolution". "And how do we make Cultural Revolution?" "By destroying the American family!" " How do we destroy the American family?" "By destroying the American Patriarch." "And how do we destroy the American Patriarch?" "By taking away his power!" "How do we do that?" "By destroying monogamy." " By promoting promiscuity, eroticism, prostitution, and homosexuality." Mallory concluded " It was clear they desired nothing less than the utter deconstruction of Western society." She said that they would do it by the method laid out by the cultural Marxists, by the Frankfurt School, by the spirit of Antonio Gramsci and the "long march through the institutions" of the culture, from media to education. They would "invade every American institution. Everyone must be permeated with "The Revolution".

 I have believed for a long time that the feminist movement is anti-male. Way before I ever knew who Kate Millet was or who any other radical feminist leader was. The feminist movement has done more to destroy masculinity than anything. True men are getting harder and harder to find in today's society. More and more men seem to be effeminate and I feel sure that most of these men would not be classified as homosexual. You see men wearing make-up. I have always hated the type of man who would abuse a women physically or verbally and the boys will be boys attitude among men. As a child and teenager I knew men like this who were abusive and their promiscuous behavior could be excused while the same behavior in a woman wasn't. I hated this behavior then and I hate it now. As a child I saw my single parent Aunt, who raised me after the death of my parents, along with my brother and two cousins,  paid lower wages than men doing the same work at the telephone company. I have always believed that if a woman could adequately perform the same work that a man could perform then she should have the opportunity to perform that work and be paid accordingly. The modern feminist movement is not about these things however. It is a politicized arm of the Democrat party. When Democrat men misbehave sexually the feminists remain silent or justify their behavior, as they did with Ted Kennedy and Bill Clinton They only go after Republican or Conservative men. Most of the time with charges that can't be proven, or are made up in order to destroy that persons reputation. Such as in the case of Clarence Thomas and Brett Kavanaugh. They are only supportive of Democrat women but Republican women are no better than whores in their eyes. The same is true for a black person who strays off of the Democrat plantation. They become a target of the feminists such as Clarence Thomas, Herschel Walker, and Herman Cain.


 Margaret Sanger is the patron saint of the Democrat party. The Democrats deny their ties to the past and they cover for the sins of this woman. She believed in eugenics which is defined as the study of how to arrange reproduction within a human population to increase the occurrence of heritable characteristics regarded as desirable. Developed largely by Sir Francis Galton as a method of improving the human race, eugenics was increasingly discredited as unscientific and racially biased during the 20th century, especially after the adoption of its doctrines by the Nazis in order to justify their treatment of Jews, disabled people, and other minority groups. Since the supreme court decision of Roe vs Wade in 1973 over 60,000 million babies have been killed in abortion clinics and by Planned Parenthood. Sangers creation has been the main player in this holocaust. It can be debated as to whether Sanger was a full blown Communist but she was a Communist sympathizer and a racist. It is no accident that most abortion clinics are in inner cities. More black babies are aborted than are born in New York city. The ultrasound has destroyed the lefts arguments as to whether or not life begins at conception. The following are some of her comments and writings in supporting Communism, and her racist views throughout her twisted demented life on this earth, 

“[W]e could well take example from Russia, where birth control instruction is part of the regular welfare service of the government. All the officials with whom I discussed the matter stated that as soon as the economic and social plans of Soviet Russia are realized, neither abortions nor contraception will be necessary or desired. A functioning Communistic society will assure the happiness of every child, and will assume the full responsibility for its welfare and education.” The following is from Paul Kengor who wrote the Devil and Karl Marx. Now there, ladies and gentleman, is progressive utopianism, an absolute faith in central planners. Contrary to the Planned Parenthood matron’s optimism, abortions skyrocketed to seven million annually in the USSR.What struck me in recently re-reading this article is how Democrats in America have arrived at Sanger’s ideal, where Planned Parenthood’s services have become, in their mind, “part of the regular welfare service of the government”—just like Stalinist Russia.

The following quotes are from Margaret Sanger

1. “We should hire three or four colored ministers, preferably with social-service backgrounds, and with engaging personalities. The most successful educational approach to the Negro is through a religious appeal. We don’t want the word to go out that we want to exterminate the Negro population. and the minister is the man who can straighten out that idea if it ever occurs to any of their more rebellious members.” Margaret Sanger’s December 19, 1939 letter to Dr. Clarence Gamble, 255 Adams Street, Milton, Massachusetts. Original source: Sophia Smith Collection, Smith College, North Hampton, Massachusetts. Also described in Linda Gordon’s Woman’s Body, Woman’s Right: A Social History of Birth Control in America. New York: Grossman Publishers, 1976.

2) “Eugenic sterilization is an urgent need … We must prevent multiplication of this bad stock.”
Margaret Sanger, April 1933 Birth Control Review.

3) “Our failure to segregate morons who are increasing and multiplying … demonstrates our foolhardy and extravagant sentimentalism … [Philanthropists] encourage the healthier and more normal sections of the world to shoulder the burden of unthinking and indiscriminate fecundity of others; which brings with it, as I think the reader must agree, a dead weight of human waste. Instead of decreasing and aiming to eliminate the stocks that are most detrimental to the future of the race and the world, it tends to render them to a menacing degree dominant … We are paying for, and even submitting to, the dictates of an ever-increasing, unceasingly spawning class of human beings who never should have been born at all.” Margaret Sanger. The Pivot of Civilization, 1922. Chapter on “The Cruelty of Charity,” pages 116, 122, and 189. Swarthmore College Library edition.

4) “The most merciful thing that a family does to one of its infant members is to kill it.”
Margaret Sanger (editor). The Woman Rebel, Volume I, Number 1. Reprinted in Woman and the New Race. New York: Brentanos Publishers, 1922.

5) “Birth control must lead ultimately to a cleaner race.” Margaret Sanger. Woman, Morality, and Birth Control. New York: New York Publishing Company, 1922. Page 12.

6) “Eugenics is … the most adequate and thorough avenue to the solution of racial, political and social problems.Margaret Sanger. “  The Eugenic Value of Birth Control Propaganda.” Birth Control Review, October 1921, page 5.

7. Article 4. No woman shall have the legal right to bear a child, and no man shall have the right to become a father, without a permit… Article 6. No permit for parenthood shall be valid for more than one birth. “America Needs a Code for Babies,” 27 Mar 1934

8. Give dysgenic groups [people with “bad genes”] in our population their choice of segregation or [compulsory] sterilization. April 1932 Birth Control Review, pg. 108

Such parents swell the pathetic ranks of the unemployed. Feeble-mindedness perpetuates itself from the ranks of those who are blandly indifferent to their racial responsibilities. And it is largely this type of humanity we are now drawing upon to populate our world for the generations to come. In this orgy of multiplying and replenishing the earth, this type is pari passu multiplying and perpetuating those direst evils in which we must, if civilization is to survive, extirpate by the very roots. Pivot of Civilization, 1922. Here, Margaret Sanger speaks on her eugenic philosophy – that only the types of “quality” people she and her peers viewed as worthy of life should be allowed to live.

 Whittaker Chambers stated that "Abortion was a commonplace of of party life". Meaning the Communist party. He also said that "Abortion, which now fills me with physical horror, I then regarded, like all Communists, as a mere physical manipulation". Does this attitude sound familiar? He goes on to say that "One day early in 1933, my wife told me that she believed she had conceived. No man can hear from his wife, especially for the first time, that she is carrying his child, without a physical jolt of joy and pride". He soon felt sadness at the thought that as a dedicated Communist must go at once and arrange for an abortion. His wife went to arrange the abortion but could not go through with it. When his wife returned Chambers described it this way. "My wife came over to me, took my hands and burst into tears. Dear heart , she said in a pleading voice, we couldn't do that awful thing to a little baby, not to a little baby, dear heart. A wild joy swept me. Reason, the agony of my family, the Communist Party and its theories, the wars and revolutions of the 20th century, crumbled at the touch of the child. Both of us simply wanted a child." Chambers stated that their decision to have a child was the first step in finally coming to the realization that he had to leave the Communist party. 

Hillary Clinton accepting the Margaret Sanger Award



 The fight to take Christianity out of our schools began over 100 years ago but a great leap forward in that fight occurred over 50 years ago. A Communist by the name of Madalyn Murray O'Hair played a large role in that fight.  A case that came to be called Abington School District vs Schempp. In 1963 the Supreme Court ruled that " state sponsored devotional Bible readings in public schools constitute an impermissible religious exercise by government." Engle vs Vitale in 1962 combined with Murray's case in 1963 essentially ended public prayer in government schools. In my view this is a prime example of judicial tyranny. The Federal government has no jurisdiction over the way a state conducts it's religious affairs. The separation of church and state that Jefferson talks about in his letter to the Danbury Baptists is between the Federal government and the states not between the Federal government and the people. The Bill of Rights describes what the Federal government cannot do. Not what it can do. Since these two cases the quality of public education has quickly deteriorated to the point that children are being graduated from high school functionally illiterate and with very little knowledge of the seven liberal arts. Many can barely put a sentence together or make change at McDonalds. Children can tell you a lot about climate change and safe sex but little else. Of course there are exceptions but it is usually because of involved parents. The Bible says raise up a child in the way they should go and when they are old they will not depart from it. I believe that this is true but those parents who raise their children with biblical values are then compelled to put them into a Godless educational system to be educated unless they are in a position to homeschool them or put them into a good private school. 


Communism has failed everywhere it has been tried. The Soviet Union, Eastern Europe, Cuba, North Korea, Venezuela and China just to name a few countries. China tried Communism but the state owning the means of production doesn't produce wealth. They avoided the fate of the old Soviet Union by becoming Fascist. Fascism is the only form of Communism that works because it has the ability to produce wealth. Fascism is the marriage between big government and big business. Government can be authoritarian and control the population without going bankrupt. America is trying to follow the China model. Big business is not only in bed with the government but doing their dirty work for them. Forcing their employees to take shots that they do not want and forcing work policies on their employees. The government is at war with small and medium business in this country. Through their Covid policies they have forced thousands of small businesses to go out of business. The Great Reset is a policy set forth by the World Economic Forum In my view it is no accident that it was named the "Great Reset". China had a agricultural movement called the Great Leap Forward in the 1950's that starved a out 30 million Chinese to death after the government confiscated the farmers property and put them on collective farms. The Great Resets goal is to end the private ownership of property and have a global economy where we get poorer and the elites get richer.


2 Timothy 3: 1-4

But understand this, that in the last days there will come times of difficulty. For people will be lovers of self, lovers of money, proud, arrogant, abusive, disobedient to their parents, ungrateful, unholy, heartless, unappeasable, slanderous, without self-control, brutal, not loving good, treacherous, reckless, swollen with conceit, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God,

Isaiah 5:20
Woe to those who call evil good and good evil, who put darkness for light and light for darkness, who put bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter!

I am finishing this article on Wednesday 11-9-22, just a day after the midterm elections. My head is still spinning from the lackluster performance of the Republican party last night. As of right now it is looking as if the Republicans will take control of the House of Representatives by a very slim margin. Control of the Senate is still up for grabs. Kari Lake, an awesome rising star in the Republican party, was way ahead of Katie Hobbs last night but is behind now in Arizona. Sounds like the fix is in. Dr Oz was defeated in Pennsylvania by the Marxist John Fetterman who is so crippled by a recent stroke that he can't even communicate without the help of modern technology and someone typing out what is being said to him. There is a good possibility that he won't even survive the 6 year term that he was elected to. How could the Republican party perform so poorly with the worst president in American history in office? Inflation is at an historic high. Crime is out of control. An unknown number of illegal aliens are crossing our wide open borders each month along with drugs that are killing thousands of Americans such as Fentanyl. The Mexican cartel is responsible for this as well as sex trafficking young girls and children. This president has declared war on our coal and oil industry which is fueling inflation and causing shortages. Biden has also declared war on the middle class and Trump supporters. He has involved us in a war in Ukraine that is putting an even greater strain on our energy resources. Biden is worried about Ukrainian borders but not our own. Our military is being destroyed by woke ideology. He has done all this damage in 2 years. In times past a president this bad would have suffered tremendously during a midterm election. Nothing makes sense anymore.

 Maybe Antonio Gramsci's Marxist long march through our institutions and culture is finally working to break down the bulwark of common sense values that have stood the test of time. There are several ways to look at it. The Democrats just have a better ground game than the Republicans. Or they cheated again, or maybe it is a combination of both a good ground game and cheating. Then maybe there has been a paradigm shift. Maybe America is no longer dominated by a center right populace but a center left populace. I miss an America that knew the difference between a boy and a girl. That attended church on a regular basis. Where the nuclear family was supreme. A time when people were horrified at the thought of homosexual sex, much less marriage, between them. When our borders were secure, our military was strong, our economy was strong, our dollar was strong, American manufactured products were the envy of the world and police officers were respected. Finally, when a baby was pretty safe in it's mothers womb and the thought of killing a full term baby was crazy talk. Like it or not the Communists have done their job well. There are more people than I care to name responsible for this. Both Communists and their fellow travelers like Woodrow Wilson, John Dewey, Margaret Sanger, Franklin Roosevelt, Frances Piven, Richard Cloward, Saul Alinsky, Max Horkheimer, Herbert Marcuse, Lyndon Johnson, the Clintons, Barack Obama, and Biden just to name a few. Maybe Whittaker Chambers was right. He left the winning side to join the losing side. I know he was right on one thing, however. Like Chambers my choice is clear. I can't live my life based on what is probable but what is right. It is better to die than to live under Communism.


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