When the Southern Democrats fired at Fort Sumter on the morning of April 12, 1861 they started a war that would last 4 long years and claim the lives of 750,000 soldiers which was over two percent of the American population at the time. History has shown that they chose to fight over an issue that was immoral. The issue was slavery and for that reason they were on the wrong side of history. Contrary to what many people think, the Southern Democrats were fighting to protect and expand the institution of slavery. They were unable to accept the results of the 1860 election of Abraham Lincoln. Much like the Democrats have been unable to accept the election of Donald Trump in 2016 and made sure that he wouldn't be reelected in 2020. The Democrats are a death cult. The centerpiece of their political platform in 1860 was slavery and the centerpiece today is the mass murder of unborn children. The same principle undergirds both. The devaluation of human life. To them a slave was no...