When the Southern Democrats fired at Fort Sumter on the morning of April 12, 1861 they started a war that would last 4 long years and claim the lives of 750,000 soldiers which was over two percent of the American population at the time. History has shown that they chose to fight over an issue that was immoral. The issue was slavery and for that reason they were on the wrong side of history. Contrary to what many people think, the Southern Democrats were fighting to protect and expand the institution of slavery. They were unable to accept the results of the 1860 election of Abraham Lincoln. Much like the Democrats have been unable to accept the election of Donald Trump in 2016 and made sure that he wouldn't be reelected in 2020. The Democrats are a death cult. The centerpiece of their political platform in 1860 was slavery and the centerpiece today is the mass murder of unborn children. The same principle undergirds both. The devaluation of human life. To them a slave was not wholly human and it is easier to enslave, torture or kill that which is not human. The same goes for an unborn baby. It is just a clump of cells in their eyes. Lincoln and the Republicans were on the right side of history. They were anti-slavery and did not own slaves. When the opportunity presented itself to free the slaves at the end of the war they seized it and abolished slavery in America for good.
Due to the stupidity of the Southern Democrats Lincoln was able to avoid a dilemma. By firing on Fort Sumter the Democrats played right into Lincolns hands. This act of war rallied the Republicans and loyal Northern Democrats to the Union cause. This was much like the Japanese attacking Pearl Harbor. On the other hand if the Democrats had simply seceded and left Sumter alone Lincoln would have faced a terrible dilemma. Any aggressive actions that he might have taken would make him look like the bad guy. The Southern Democrats might have won their independence without even firing a shot. The Northern Democrats were strong in the North and they would have stood in solidarity with the Southern wing of the party if Lincoln made any aggressive moves toward the new Southern Democrat Confederacy. Even after the Democrats fired on Fort Sumter and Lincoln issued a call for 75,000 volunteers to put down the rebellion four more border states joined the Confederacy. They were Virginia, Tennessee, Arkansas and North Carolina. The Northern and Southern Democrats had split over the issue of slavery in 1860 which is how Lincoln was able to win in the first place. The Northern Democrats were as much in favor of slavery as their Southern counterparts. They only differed on one point. The manner in which slavery would expand into the new territories. The Northern wing represented by Stephen Douglas wanted "popular sovereignty". This meant that each new territory would hold a referendum on whether or not the citizens of that territory wanted to be free or slave. The Southern wing, led by John C. Breckenridge wanted to do away with the Kansas-Nebraska Act of 1854 and bring back the Missouri Compromise of 1820. The Kansas-Nebraska Act was "popular sovereignty". Most of the territory acquired in the Mexican War would automatically become a slave state under the Missouri Compromise and there would be no referendum.
There is an issue today that threatens our existence as a nation every bit as much as slavery did. Lincoln said that a nation cannot survive half slave and half free. It will become all one thing or another. America has developed into a nation today that is half slave and half free again. As in 1860 it is the Democrats responsible for the division. The slave states are those states controlled by the Democrats and the free are those states controlled by the Republicans. Illegal immigration threatens our very existence. It threatens our sovereignty as a nation. It threatens to overwhelm our monetary budget. Biden is bringing in people from all over the world. The government houses them when they cross the border, gives them a free cell phone, cash money and flies them into the free states. When they arrive in a big city luxury hotels are emptied of paying guests and the government pays to house them. Known Islamic terrorists are crossing the border, members of the Chinese Communist party, criminals, rapists, child traffickers, children being trafficked into sexual slavery, cartel members, drugs are being trafficked as well as fentanyl which is killing hundreds of thousands of American's. Some people have died from fentanyl poisoning that I have known personally. Illegals are swamping our hospitals, schools, homeless population, criminal system and killing people by the thousands in traffic accidents while driving illegally on our streets. One hundred years from now when the history books are written the Democrats will be on the wrong side of history again. The difference today is that the Democrats did not control the government in 1861 the way that they control the government today. There was no administrative state in 1861. Todays administrative state is a powerful bureaucracy controlled by the Democrats. Unelected bureaucrats run much of our lives today unlike in 1861.
Texas is taking a stand against the tyranny of the Democrat's border policy. For a long time now my opinion of Texas governor Greg Abbott has been pretty low. In my view he has been all talk and no do. So much so that I am not sure I trust his motives now. If he is serious about stopping illegals from crossing the border, why did he wait so long? In the last three years it is estimated that the Biden administration has allowed over six million illegal aliens into this country. This is more than the population of two thirds of the American states. Abbott has made it possible for the big Democrat controlled sanctuary cities to feel the pain of illegal immigration by shipping them there. Many of these cities are being overwhelmed and I must admit that I derive some satisfaction from seeing them squirm and their hypocrisy being exposed but I would prefer that these illegals were stopped at the border and sent back where they came from. The Democrats are primarily flooding the free states of Tennessee, Florida, Arkansas, Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama, Oklahoma, Montana, Idaho, South Dakota and the others in order to change the demographics of these states from free to slave. Their long range strategy is to bring in new voters that will vote for Democrats. I wish Abbott well and I hope that he is serious now. Although Abbott and Texas are on the right side of history Biden is in Lincoln's position now. If he becomes the aggressor and sends the border patrol in to cut down and remove the razor wire patriotic American's will rally around Texas and Greg Abbott. Pictures of the Feds removing the wire will be devastating to Biden's reelection chances. I don't think that he will Federalize the Texas National Guard either. That will be too blatant. I think that he will borrow from the Justin Trudeau playbook and try to put the squeeze on the Texas economy. He has already ended exports of Texas natural gas. Texas has an advantage that patriotic Canadian citizens did not have. Trudeau froze the bank accounts of private citizens where Biden is dealing with a sovereign state which has many more options to fight back than a private citizen. There is also the danger that like January 6th Federal operatives working for the F.B.I. and the Justice Department will try to instigate some sort of violence that would give Biden an excuse to declare a state of emergency. Texas is not trying to secede from the Union as the Confederacy was trying to do. They are simply trying to do what the Federal government should be doing already. Enforcing our immigration laws and uphold the Constitution. As in 1861 the Democrats are trying to destroy the country again. America is being invaded with the help of the Federal government and if Texas plays it's cards right, they cannot lose on this issue.
