On Wednesday January 6, 2021 I was working my security job at Stones River Town Centre in Murfreesboro Tennessee. That doesn't mean that I wouldn't have loved to be in Washington D.C. with other likeminded American patriots who were convinced that the election of "Jim Crow" Joe Biden was rigged. Since I was born handsome instead of rich I didn't have the money or the available time for such a trip. That was probably a blessing because if I had been there I might be in jail right now or be under investigation by the Feds as a domestic terrorist. My home might have been raided in the middle of the night by 40 armed F.B.I. agents wearing military style uniforms and carrying assault weapons. I know myself well enough to know that if I had been there I would not have taken part in rioting or broken anything but I might have been one of those who took a reverent stroll through the Capital at the invitation of the Capital police. I wasn't there so I will never kn...