On Wednesday January 6, 2021 I was working my security job at Stones River Town Centre in Murfreesboro Tennessee. That doesn't mean that I wouldn't have loved to be in Washington D.C. with other likeminded American patriots who were convinced that the election of "Jim Crow" Joe Biden was rigged. Since I was born handsome instead of rich I didn't have the money or the available time for such a trip. That was probably a blessing because if I had been there I might be in jail right now or be under investigation by the Feds as a domestic terrorist. My home might have been raided in the middle of the night by 40 armed F.B.I. agents wearing military style uniforms and carrying assault weapons. I know myself well enough to know that if I had been there I would not have taken part in rioting or broken anything but I might have been one of those who took a reverent stroll through the Capital at the invitation of the Capital police. I wasn't there so I will never know what might have happened. For just being in Washington DC that day I could have been locked up in pre-trial solitary confinement for months and tortured by partisan Democrat guards. Like so many others I could have been charged with four misdemeanors and possibly facing a felony charge based on a law passed in 2002. This carries a possible sentence of up to twenty years in prison. It was a law passed in response to the Enron and World com scandals dealing with white collar crime. This law was never intended to be used against political protest or the political enemies of the Democrat party. George W. Bush made this clear when he signed the bill. This matters not when Democrats can use any weapon in their arsenal to arrest and prosecute their political enemies. The four misdemeanors were the following. Entering and remaining in a restricted building. Disorderly and disruptive conduct in a restricted building. Violent entry and disorderly conduct in a capital building and parading. Demonstrating or picketing within a capital building. The Patriot Act was passed to go after foreign terrorists and not after regular American's but they have used it to launch a war on terror against Republican's, conservatives and Trump supporters since January 6th. It gave them the cover to wage a war on everyday American's. I guess the Patriot Act is aptly named. Now they are tracking down and arresting real American patriots. People like myself who have served their country, work regular jobs and own small businesses. People whose only crime is that they still believe in the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution and the Bill of Rights. People that love God and country. We are those dreaded Christian Nationalists the government has been warning you about.

 Trump and his followers walked into a trap on January 6th set by the F.B.I. and Nancy Pelosi. There were hundreds of people working undercover for the F.B.I. that helped to instigate trouble that day. Ray Epp's is probably the most visible and well known of these undercover agents. He can be seen several times on January 5th and 6th urging the crowd to go into the Capital. Even the crowd on January 5th realized he was a Fed and called him out. Epps can be seen whispering in a protestors ear and after this he runs toward the barriers around the Capital. This is when the first riot occurred involving about 200 people. Although Epp's can be seen on video instigating things he was not arrested until the outcry became such that the Feds finally had to act. Epp's was given a six months suspended sentence which is incredible compared to people receiving months and years in prison for doing nothing more than walking peacefully through the Capital or just being on Capital grounds. Sixty Minutes defended him by interviewing him on the program where he denied being an F.B.I. operative. Which is strong evidence in itself that he was working for the F.B.I. because 60 Minutes did not do this for anyone else involved in the January 6th protest. F.B.I director Wray totally avoided the question in Congress when he was asked directly if there were F.B.I. operatives involved in January 6th. It was a simple yes or no answer but he gave the typical corrupt politicians evasive answer.There is no question in my mind that January 6th was a set-up. Never before has a protest that had gotten out of control by a few people been called an insurrection. There were no guns found on the protestors. Some brought homemade weapons to defend themselves against possible BLM and Antifa troublemakers that had also infiltrated the crowd. It is very difficult to pull off an insurrection without firearms. There was no organized plan to take over the government and how crazy would people have to be to try to pull off an insurrection surrounded by the military that was based in the region and so much law enforcement available. Pelosi knew what could happen and she refused to bring in the National Guard or extra police until after the fact. This was even after president Trump had offered her extra security days before. Four people died on January 6th but they were all protestors. Ashli Babbitt was murdered in cold blood by a rogue Capital Hill police officer who was hailed as a hero by both Democrats and Republican's. The Democrats and the media still lie about the number of people killed on January 6th to this day. 

Ray Epp's

  In 1998 I voted for Republican Don Sunquist who was running for the governorship of Tennessee. One of the most important reasons that I voted for him was that he promised to fight against a state income tax being proposed by the Democrats who controlled both houses of the state legislature at the time. Just a few days after Sunquist was inaugurated in January 1999 he came out in favor of the income tax. This was one of the greatest acts of political treachery that I had ever witnessed. I was livid along with the majority of Tennesseans who had voted for him. With Sunquist on their side the Democrats immediately began efforts to pass a state income tax. As usual the Democrats were very sneaky about it. They knew that the tax was very unpopular with the people so they tried to hold special sessions after hours or on weekends. Or during the week with little or no prior notice. The local conservative radio stations did an amazing job of keeping us aware of their trickery. From the very beginning a huge grassroots protest developed. I cannot praise the radio stations enough for the valuable work that they did. We would not have won without them. People like Phil Valentine, Steve Gill, Dave Ramsey and Daryl Ankarlo kept us informed and up to date. Thousands of people drove to Nashville and blew their car horns as they circled the Tennessee State Capital. Hundreds and thousands of people jammed the sidewalks and Legislative Plaza. The noise was deafening. I was involved in every protest except one. There were women with baby strollers there. White collar and blue collar workers. People dressed in business attire. Government workers and construction workers. There were many military veterans like myself. I was watching real democracy in action and it sometimes brought tears to my eyes. On one particular day the noise was so loud that I watched them carry out several legislators on gurneys because their nerves had gotten the best of them. Although we were not violent and did not go there with that intent the noise scared the hell out of the pro tax people in the legislature. They would always back down during these protests and were not willing to accept the political consequences of passing a tax that was so unpopular. On the afternoon of July 12, 2000 they tried to sneak the tax bill through after everyone had left work in Nashville for the day. Thinking that no one would return to Nashville to protest they tried to sneak the bill through. Tears of pride welled up in my eyes when I saw the largest crowd that I had ever seen to that point. Not only were people blowing their car horns they were swarming around the Capital building itself. People were beating on the doors of the capital demanding to be let in. The crowd was angry but peaceful. Someone did throw a rock through a side window but it was an isolated incident and shouldn't have happened. The press tried to paint us as a bunch of hooligan's but nothing could be farther from the truth. When the next protest occurred the Tennessee State Highway patrol dressed in riot gear ringed the Capital.
Tennessee Tax Protest

Because of average working class Tennesseans the income tax was eventually defeated for good. To this day it would be political suicide to even attempt to pass another state income tax in Tennessee. Because of the state income tax fight we now have a super majority of Republican's in the state legislature. Our fight, like January 6th was a protest. It was not an insurrection. Under the Democrats definition of insurrection those of us involved could have been hunted down and thrown into pre-trial detainment and indefinite solitary confinement because people beat on the doors and somebody broke a window. These were the same kind of American's who were in Washington D.C. on January 6, 2021. People who saw a wrong and tried to right it. I was convinced in 2021 that the 2020 election was rigged and because of overwhelming evidence since then I am even more convinced today. If you don't believe me read the February 15, 2021 TIME magazine article where the leftist author bragged about rigging the election. All the Trump supporters were doing on January 6th was asking Congress to delay the certification of the election for a few days to investigate election irregularities in the swing states and to attain an accurate audit.

After the election of Joe Biden I was devastated because I knew what was coming. I knew that all the accomplishments of President Trump would be undone by Biden overnight. We would no longer be energy independent and would have to depend on foreign oil provided by people who hate us again. The border would be wide open again after Trump had nearly shut down illegal immigration during his term of office. Fentanyl deaths would continue to rise, criminals would continue to flood into this country, the potential for terrorism would increase. Congress refused to give Trump five billion dollars for building the border wall. In order to build it he would have to take away from the military budget but they could find almost 200 billion to protect Ukraine's border since the war started there. I knew that our economy would revert back to the weak growth of the Obama's years. Trump's tax cuts combined with a pro business attitude would be like a shot in America's economic arm. I began to see an economic rebound even before Trump took office in 2017. Just the fact that Trump had been elected caused one of the fastest economic rebounds in history. Even Ronald Reagan's economic recovery took about two years to take hold. Trump's was virtually overnight. His approach to tariff's was brilliant. At first I opposed Trump's use of tariff's because I didn't understand his intentions. I am a big believer in free market capitalism and if it was up to me all tariff's would be abolished. Yet Trump used the tariff and the threat of tariff's to negotiate trade deals that were beneficial to American's and American businesses. Especially against China. He also used the threat of tariff's to compel Mexico and other Central American countries to help us stem the flow of illegals into this country. On a foreign policy level Trump took us out of the silly Paris Climate Accords which also helped our economy. These accords are designed to kill capitalism which is what the climate hoax is really about.

Trump killed dangerous terrorists such as Iranian General Soleimani and Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi. He destroyed Isis in a month. Something that the Obama administration failed to do. Trump opposed our enemies and supported our friends. The Obama administration and the Biden administration has always done the opposite. Obama and Biden have always treated Israel like a red headed step child. Biden has cut off arms shipments to Israel when they need them most fighting Hamas. Trump was economically and diplomatically isolating terrorist states like Iran and he was doing the same to Russia. Under Biden Iran and Russia are thriving. Trump ended the treaty that we had with Iran. By Biden renewing the treaty with Iran and restoring foreign aid Iran now has money to finance Hamas and Hezbollah. It is also financing the riots at our universities right now. Trump was also isolating Iran by negotiating agreements with Middle Eastern countries that hate Iran and garnering their support for Israel. This has enabled Russia to go to war with Ukraine. I believe with all my heart that there would be no war in Ukraine and Hamas would not have attacked Israel if Trump had not lost the 2020 election. Biden's weakness and cognitive decline places America and the world in danger. Biden has weakened the greatest military in the world with woke policies, vaccine mandates, and his supposed purging the ranks of white supremacists. So much so that the military cannot meet it's recruitment quotas. Every Democrat president since Jimmy Carter has weakened the military and Republican presidents have to increase the deficit trying to build it back and repairing the damage to the military. These are just a few of the things that I knew were going to happen under a Biden presidency. The inflation we have experienced is something that didn't surprise me because of all the government spending his administration has been responsible for. Biden has blamed Trump, the American people, and corporate greed for inflation. Everything but the root cause which is out of control government spending. Energy costs have also contributed to inflation. The sad truth is that they know what causes inflation but they don't care. Their goal is to control the American people and inflation helps them do it. Inflation is a burdensome tax on the average citizen and it doesn't affect the wealthy the way it does us, the middle class and the poor. Because of inflation we can't buy homes. This is great for the elites because they don't want us buying property anyway. The goal of the Fascists/Communists is to abolish private property. Their goal is to own everything while regular Americans own nothing. We will be totally dependent one day on corporate landlords like Black Rock, George Soros, and Bill Gates just to name a few.

When George Floyd died like most people I was horrified at the manner of his death. Or at least the manner in which I thought that he died. The autopsy has revealed that Derek Chauvin did not kill Floyd. He died of a fentanyl overdose. Yet the lives of four innocent Minneapolis police officers Tou Thao, J. Alexander Kueng and Thomas Lane have been forever ruined because of the Fascist/ Communist left. Chauvin received a sentence of twenty two years in prison. Even though he has been cleared by the autopsy he remains in prison. He almost died after being stabbed 22 times by another inmate. Before the autopsy was released I believed that Chauvin was responsible for George Floyd's death but I never thought that it was racial. Two of the officers involved were white but one was black and the other was Asian. Even Keith Ellison, the radical black attorney general for the state of Minnesota said that Floyd's death was not racially motivated. Yet the Fascist/ Communist elements in America were just licking their chops waiting for such an event to exploit. Dozens of people nationwide were killed in the riots that followed. Cities were burned and historic statues were torn down or defaced while police stood by and watched on the orders of state and city leaders. All of this for a serial violent criminal who was very manipulative when you watch the body camera footage that was hidden from the public. Antifa and Black Lives Matter are the real insurrectionists. They are Communist insurgents along with many if not most college professors. They hate America and want to destroy it along with the U.S. Constitution. The George Floyd riots were not protests. At one point Trump and his family had to be taken to the bunker in the White House after rioters attacked the Secret Service and the police. Over fifty officers were injured. We were told that the January 6th protesters wanted to kill or kidnap congressmen but does anyone doubt what the rioters would have done if they could have gotten their hands on President Trump or his family. In Portland Oregon rioters laid siege to the the Federal courthouse Yet very few of the George Floyd rioters have ever been punished. They haven't been hunted down and oppressed by the FBI like the January 6th protesters have.

The recent Anti Israel and antisemitic takeover of college campuses are being orchestrated by the same people. They are being funded by people like George Soros, the Rockefeller family, and Anthony Pritzker the brother of Illinois governor JB Pritzker. Iran is also financing these protests. Pritzker and Soros are self hating Jews calling for the extermination of Israel. Soros was a Nazi in WWII who benefitted financially from the extermination of his fellow Jews in the holocaust. Karl Marx was a self hating Jew and very antisemitic. A professional agitator named Lisa Fithian was seen at Columbia University. Brandon Darby who is a Conservative blogger said that Lisa Fithian openly states that she exists to make capitalism and patriarchy crash, she openly states that she needs to create chaos in order to build what she wants. Combine this with her open support of convicted bomb makers who wanted to burn and maim law enforcement officers and Republican delegates at the 2008 RNC. These are the real insurrectionists. We can also include the entire Biden administration and the administrative state which includes our FBI, CIA and intelligence agencies. They all hate America. I venture to say that the vast majority of the people present in Washington DC on January 6, 2021 would gladly lay down their lives for this country. Some had already risked their lives in places like Vietnam, Iraq and Afghanistan. The Tennesseans that encircled the capital with me at the turn of this century could not have accomplished what we did without the leadership and support of the radio stations. Donald Trump is the leader who is marshaling our anger and frustration today in the face of the tyranny and arrogance of the Democrat party. Like the radio stations then we could not do it without him. In my view he is a modern George Washington. Like Washington he is risking his honor, wealth and his life fighting these people when he didn't have to. Washington could have retired to his farm and enjoyed the life of a wealthy Virginia planter and Trump could have retired after the loss in 2020 or not even run for president at all in 2016. By now Hillary would have taken us even farther down the road to tyranny if not for Donald Trump. Like Washington he is the essential man and like Washington he is living a charmed life avoiding the arrows and bullets that are aimed at him. I don't know what is in store for America in the next few months. I just pray that Trump will be there like Washington leading us into battle.
Lisa Fithian


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