As a student of history I believe that America is at a place today very similar to where we were in 1860. American's are literally ready to fight each over over our political differences. We could be on the threshold of another civil war. I was watching an episode of Dr. Phil where he interviewed a black man who has converted from being a leftist Democrat and a former member of Black Lives Matter into a Trump supporting Conservative. The man talked about how he hasn't spoken to some friends and immediate family since he changed his political views three years ago. His family has disowned him. He has also received death threats but he says that he trusts in God and his Glock. Doctor Phil then interviewed a Democrat white woman who requested that her identity be hidden. She had also received death threats and had been run off the road on several occasions. People have flipped her off because of her bumper stickers. The woman was also stalked by a woman who called her a baby ...