I was 13 when John Kennedy was killed in Dallas Texas on November 22, 1963. We are nearing the 61st anniversary of the Kennedy assassination. Not long after Kennedy's death I saw a pamphlet listing many of the coincidences between the death of Abraham Lincoln and John Kennedy's death. These coincidences can now be found on the internet. For example Lincoln was succeeded by Andrew Johnson who was born in 1808. Kennedy was succeeded by Lyndon Johnson who born in 1908. Both presidents were shot on a Friday and both were shot in the head. Lincoln was shot at point blank range by a pistol, however; and Kennedy at long range by a rifle. Lincoln was elected to Congress in 1846 and Kennedy was elected to Congress in 1946. Lincoln only served one two year term in Congress but Kennedy served two terms in Congress and ten years in the Senate. Lincoln was elected president in 1860 and Kennedy was elected in 1960. Both presidents were shot by Southerners. Oswald was from Texas and Booth wa...